Using the Journal Entry View

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Use the Journal Entry View section of the Actions > Enter Trial Balance screen to add, maintain, and simultaneously view the corresponding changes within the Trial Balance grid.

See also: Write-up process workflow

Choose Actions > Enter Trial Balance or click the Enter Trial Balance Enter trial bal button icon in the Accounting section of the Navigation pane. By default, the journal entry view is not displayed in the Enter Trial Balance screen.

There is a one-to-one correspondence between the current row in the Journal Entry grid and the account row in the Trial Balance grid. The application verifies the balance after the entry in each row has been completed.

Use the following procedures to optimize your use of the Journal Entry View.

Activating the view

To activate the Journal Entry View, choose Edit > Options, mark the Display journal entry view checkbox in the Enter Trial Balance Options dialog, and click OK.

Navigating in the view

To move your cursor up or down a row in the Journal Entry View, use the up and down arrow keys on your keyboard. To move your cursor forward through fields, press the TAB key. To move backward through fields, press the SHIFT+TAB keys.

Adding and deleting rows

To add a new entry, click the blank Journal cell (grayed) in the next available row in the grid. You must enter data in the required fields to advance to the next row.

To delete a row, click the row button to highlight the row, click the Delete button button below the Journal Entry View, and click Yes in the Delete Row dialog. Existing reference numbers must be in balance before you are able to add, delete, or edit a new row.

Resizing and undocking

Click and drag the top border of the Journal Entry View section to move it up or down or to expand or resize this section of the Actions > Enter Trial Balance screen.

To undock the journal entry view from the main screen, click in the border and drag it to another area such as a secondary monitor or another area within the current monitor. Double-click the title bar of the Journal Entry View section to move it back to the bottom of the Actions > Enter Trial Balance screen.

Setting options

Choose Edit > Options to turn off/on the Journal Entry View, select data entry defaults, and mark the checkboxes next to those fields to skip when tabbing through the columns in the Journal Entry grid.

  • Regular journal entry subtypes support only those journal entries that affect balance bases other than unadjusted. Therefore, regular journal entries are not supported in the journal entry view.
  • Journal entries that are added in the Journal Entry View are displayed in the Actions > Enter Transactions screen. Any changes that are made to a journal entry using the Journal Entry View are also reflected in the Actions > Enter Transactions screen, and vice versa.
  • Journal Entries that are added in the Journal Entry View are automatically saved when you press the TAB key through to the last blank distribution row, or click in the first blank line of a new entry.
  • For any Total row at the bottom of an amount column in the Trial Balance grid that should have a balance of zero (0) but does not, the application displays it with a red background.

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