Setting up account groupings

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You can set up an unlimited number of account groupings for a specific client, or you can set up account groupings for the firm and use them for multiple clients.

  1. Open the Account Groupings screen using either of the following commands.
    • To set up account groupings for a specific client, choose Setup > Account Groupings, and then select the client in the upper-right corner.
    • To set up account groupings that can be used for more than one client in the firm, choose Setup > Firm Information > Firm Account Groupings.

      Note: If you set up a new firm account grouping, that account grouping will not be available to existing clients. It will be available to only new clients that you create after the firm account grouping.

  2. Click the Add button.
  3. Enter the name for this grouping (up to 50 characters) in the Account Grouping Description field.
  4. In the Code grid, enter a code (up to 15 characters) and description (up to 50 characters) to include in the account grouping.
  5. In the Subcode grid, enter a subcode (up to 15 characters) and description (up to 50 characters) to include for the selected code.
  6. In the Category column, select and assign categories for each account grouping code. (The category assignments can be used to generate subtotals in the Account Groupings report.)

    Note: Because categories are based on the application's default Account Classifications, the Category column is not available for this account grouping.

    Current Assets
    Net Property and Equipment
    Non Current Assets
    Current Liabilities
    Long-Term Liabilities
    Cost of Sales
    Operating Expenses
    Other Income
    Other Expenses
    Interest Expenses
    Provision for Income Taxes
  7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to add an unlimited number of codes and subcodes for the account grouping.
  8. Click Enter to save the account grouping.


  • You may not use certain special characters in any account grouping code or subcode.
    . decimal/period
    * asterisk
    | pipe
    @ @ symbol
    ( left parenthesis
    ) right parenthesis
    " double quote
    , comma
    ' single quote
    \ back slash
    / forward slash
  • You can use the buttons in the grid control toolbar to add or delete codes and subcodes to the respective grids and to change the order of the codes and subcodes in those grids.

    Add button Use the Add button to insert a code or subcode above the selected code or subcode.

    Delete button Use the Delete button (or press the DELETE key on your keyboard) to delete the selected code or subcode.

    Up arrow button Use the up arrow button to move the selected code or subcode row up.

    Down arrow button Use the down arrow button to move the selected code or subcode row down.

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