Using the Rapid tab in the Manage Payments screen

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Use the Rapid tab of the Manage Payments screen to quickly select payables for payment or to quickly apply payments to payables in a grid view. In the Rapid tab, you can apply multiple payments to a single payable or apply a single payment to multiple payables for multiple vendors at the same time.

The appearance and behavior of the grid in this tab depends on the settings you choose in the Payments and Applications section in the Preferences tab of the Manage Payment Options dialog.

In the Manage Payments screen, choose Edit > Options.

  • Mark the Allow multiple applications per vendor checkbox to use the grid to apply payables to payments in multiple groups instead of a single group.
  • Mark the Allow multiple payments per vendor checkbox to use the grid to pay each payable for a vendor with a separate payment instead of using one payment to pay the selected payables.
  1. Choose Actions > Manage Payments, and click the Rapid tab.
  2. Locate the payable or payment to apply.

    Note: By default, the application groups transactions by vendor ID. This allows you to easily see all of a vendor's payables and payments that are available for application. You can group transactions by any of the other column headings in the grid by dragging that column heading to the gray area above the grid.

  3. In the Apply column, select the payables or payments to include in this application.
    • If the column contains drop-down lists, select the same application group number for the vendor for each payable and unapplied payment combination that you want to apply together.
    • If the column contains checkboxes, mark the checkbox for each payable or payment to apply together for the selected vendor, and then click the Enter button.
  4. In the Pay column, select the payables to be paid.
    • If the column contains drop-down lists, select the same payment group number for each payable that you want to be paid with a single payment.
    • If the column contains checkboxes, mark the checkbox in this column to pay the selected payables with one payment.

    Note: For any row in the grid, you can choose options in the Apply column or the Pay column, but not both. For example, if you select an Apply Group in the Apply column for a payable, you cannot mark the checkbox or select a payment group in the Pay column for the same payable.

  5. To make a partial payment or to apply a portion of the selected payment, update the amount in the Payment Applied column.
  6. In the Payment Type column, select the payment type to create.
  7. In the Bank Account column, select the bank account from which to draw the funds and create the transaction.

    Note: To create a handwritten check, select AP Check and click the Detail tab to mark the Handwritten checkbox and enter the check number in the reference field.

  8. Click the Apply Payments button to have the application apply the payables and payments together. Or you can click the Pay/Print button to have the application create payments for the selected payables. If there are checks to be printed, the application opens the Print dialog, where you can select the output device (printer, FileCabinet CS, file, etc.).

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