Client setup overview

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Before you can start processing data for your clients, you must first set up client records and define the information you will be tracking and processing for your client.

We recommend that you set up your client information in the order listed below.

Note: If you are converting your information from another application, please refer to the Conversion topics.

  1. Client templates (optional)
  2. Add client record (client ID, template, client name, state, and services)
  3. Basic client information (identification, address, contact information, industry code, staff processor and reviewer assignments)
  4. Chart of Accounts mask (account numbering system used by the client)
  5. Chart of Accounts information (account numbering system used by the client)
  6. Accounts payable information (accounting method, general ledger accounts, treatment of duplicate reference and PO numbers)
  7. Accounts receivable information (next reference number, general ledger accounts, sort order for printing forms, logo to display on invoices)
  8. Payroll information (payroll schedules, time entry method, check printing options, workers' compensation information)
  9. Payroll tax information (federal, state, and local tax information)
  10. Client billing and fee information (fees, billing options, discount and sales tax information, and GL distributions for fees)
  11. Workers' Compensation information (Workers' compensation codes and (for live payroll processing) third-party policy information)
  12. Client bank accounts (bank accounts used by your client, check layouts, direct deposit information)
  13. Vendors (identification, address, liability, and electronic payment information for your client's vendors)
  14. Accruable benefits (accruable benefits to be used by your client's employees)
  15. Departments (payroll departments or job classifications used by your client for reporting purposes)
  16. Payroll items (pay, deduction, and employer contribution payroll items used by your client)
  17. Journals (collection of adjustments or journal entries)
  18. Employee information (information about the client's employees)
  19. Finance charges (finance charges for customers' late payments)
  20. Invoice items (products, services, sales taxes, shipping, and groups to include on invoices)
  21. Accounts receivable customers (information about the client's customers)

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