Reassigning the bank account for transactions assigned to an inactive bank account

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If an inactive bank account has been selected for any existing unprinted checks, bank account transaction templates, or vendor records, it is important that you select a different (active) bank account for those items. The application will print the checks selected in the File > Print Checks screen, regardless of the bank account status.

In the Actions > Enter Transactions screen, follow these steps to update the bank account for affected transactions.

Single transactions

When the status of the bank account selected on a transaction changes to inactive, the application clears the Bank account field. Use this procedure to select an active bank account for the transaction.

  1. In the Transactions list, select the transaction to update.
  2. In the Transaction Detail section, select an active bank account in the Bank account field.
  3. Click Enter to save the updated transaction.

Multiple transactions

  1. Click the Edit Multiple Transactions link at the bottom of the screen.
  2. In the Edit Multiple Transactions dialog, select Transfer from the Action field.
  3. In the Destination bank account field, select the bank account to which you want to transfer the checks.
  4. In the Transactions grid, mark the checkbox for each transaction to transfer to the destination account, and then click OK.


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