Voiding, deleting, or reversing transactions in the Enter Transactions screen

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You can delete, void, or reverse individual transactions or multiple transactions at the same time.

When you void a check, the void date is the same as the original check date. If you want the voided amount applied to a different date, you can use the Reverse button and specify that the reversal amount post to a specific date.

Delete. When you delete an unprinted check or a journal entry, the application removes it from the database completely. When you delete a printed check or other type of bank account transaction, the application marks it as deleted and removes it from the Transactions list and all related reports.

Void. (Checks and payments) When you void a transaction, the application displays **VOID** in the Amount column of the Transactions list and adds the voided transaction amount back to the account balance and check summary memo (if applicable). This provides a paper trail showing that the transaction was voided.

Reverse. (Checks and payments) When you reverse a transaction, the application creates a separate transaction with matching negative amounts and a status of "Reversal." The application changes the status of the original transaction to "Reversed."


  • You cannot void or reverse any deposit or deposit summary memo transactions.
  • You cannot void, delete, or reverse any impound payments or impound memo payments to the firm vendor, and you cannot reverse impound memo payments to tax and payroll agents.
  • You cannot void or reverse journal entries created when account balances are imported from a spreadsheet, but you can delete these transactions.
  • You cannot delete any transactions that have been marked to be applied in the Actions > Manage Payments screen, even if the transaction has not yet been applied.
  • You cannot void or delete any transactions that have been cleared through bank account reconciliation, but you can reverse them. To do this, you must first unclear the transaction in the Actions > Reconcile Impound Bank Accounts screen or the Actions > Reconcile Bank Accounts screen. If the reconciliation has been finalized, you may need to unfinalize it before you can clear the transaction.
  • If the source for a transaction (as displayed in the status bar) is Bank Account Reconciliation, that transaction was created in the Edit > Recurring Adjustment or Edit > Non-recurring Adjustment dialog, and you cannot delete it from this screen. You must delete those transactions from the dialog in which it was created.
  • If you reverse a transaction, you cannot edit the transaction or the reversal transaction.​
  • If you delete a transaction that has been reversed, the application also deletes the corresponding reversal transaction. If you delete a reversal transaction, the application returns the original transaction to its original status.
  • If you void a transaction that has been reversed or a reversal transaction, the corresponding reversal or reversed transaction is also voided.

Individual transactions

Deleting or voiding a transaction

  1. Choose Actions > Enter Transactions.
  2. Select the appropriate client in the client selection field.
  3. In the Transactions list, highlight the transaction to delete or void, and then click the Delete (Void) button.
  4. The application displays a prompt to confirm that you want to delete (void) the transaction. Click Yes.
  5. The application displays a prompt giving you the option to create a duplicate of the transaction. Click Yes or No as appropriate.

    Note: Because of calculation requirements, payroll checks are not eligible for duplication.

Reversing a transaction

  1. Choose Actions > Enter Transactions.
  2. Select the appropriate client in the client selection field.
  3. In the Transactions list, highlight the transaction you want to reverse, and then click the Reverse button.
  4. In the Reversal Check Information dialog, enter the reversal check date, which must be on or after the original check date.
  5. Enter a posting period that is either the same as or after the posting period for the original transaction and then click OK.

    Note: The posting period defaults to the posting period date for the original check. The first date in the drop-down list is based on the posting period for the original check, and the last date is based on the posting period of the last period of the next fiscal year (as specified in the Period End Dates dialog).

Multiple transactions

  1. Choose Actions > Enter Transactions.
  2. Select the appropriate client in the client selection field.
  3. Click the Edit Multiple Transactions link at the bottom of the screen.
  4. In the Edit Multiple Transactions dialog, choose the action to perform on the transactions - Void, Delete, or Reverse.
  5. If you are voiding or deleting printed vendor or payee checks, you can choose to create an exact unprinted copy of the checks you select in the Transactions list by marking the Duplicate Printed Vendor/Payee Checks as Unprinted checkbox.

    Note: Because of calculation requirements, payroll checks are not eligible for duplication.

  6. All eligible transactions are listed in the Transactions list. Select the transactions you want to act on by marking the checkboxes next to them. You can sort the transactions by clicking the column headers in the list.
  7. Click OK to perform the selected action.

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