Firm > Payroll Alerts tab

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For live payroll processing only

The Payroll Alerts tab is part of the Alerts and Notifications feature, which enables you to alert your firm staff, client staff, or other stakeholders of certain payroll-related actions or situations via pop-up alert and/or email notifications.

Note: To exclude a client from particular alerts and email notifications, mark the appropriate checkboxes in the Payroll Alerts section of the Clients > Payroll Information tab.

Email notifications are available only for firms running the application in the Virtual Office CS or the Software as a Service (SaaS) environment.

Choose Setup > Firm Information > Firm and then click the Payroll Alerts tab.

Fields & buttons

Grid columns. The Employee Defaults grid and the Check Defaults grid both contain the following columns

  • Condition column. The Condition column within each grid contains rows that list the conditions for which you can set up an alert or notification. The conditions are detailed in the grid help below.
  • Pop-up Alert column. Mark the checkbox in the Pop-up Alert column and Condition row to have the program pop up an alert dialog when that condition is met or the action occurs.

Email Notification columns.  (Available only via Virtual Office CS or SaaS) Mark any of the following checkboxes to specify which stakeholders should be notified by email that the condition has been met or the action occurs.

  • Primary Processor
  • Backup Processor
  • Client
  • Additional Contacts - Mark this checkbox to send email notifications to any additional contacts associated with the client, if they have an email address listed.
  • Other / Ellipsis button - Mark this checkbox to send email notifications to stakeholders whose email addresses have been entered in the Other Email Addresses dialog, accessed by clicking the Ellipsis button.

Employee Defaults grid conditions. When the following conditions are met or actions occur when employee records are added or modified, the application will issue a pop-up alert or send an email notification as specified via the checkboxes in the columns.

  • Tax jurisdiction new to client added. The addition or modification of an employee record causes a new tax jurisdiction to be added to the client record.
  • Social Security Number validation
    • Applied for. The entry in an employee's EIN/SSN field is Applied For.
    • Blank. There is no entry in an employee's EIN/SSN field.
    • Changes with prior quarter wages. An employee's EIN/SSN has been modified and the employee has wages associated with that other EIN/SSN in a prior quarter.
  • Hourly pay rate entered is greater than. An employee's pay item uses a calculation type of Hourly rate or Hourly rate - Total hours, and the rate entered on the employee exceeds the rate specified here in the Rate column.
  • Direct deposit allocation has been added, deleted, or changed. (email notification only)
    • The employee bank routing number changes
    • The employee bank account number changes
    • An employee direct deposit allocation is added
    • An employee direct deposit allocation is deleted

Check Defaults grid conditions. When the following conditions occur when batch payroll checks are entered, submitted, or printed, the application will issue a pop-up alert or send an email notification as specified via the checkboxes in the columns.

  • Batch checks have been entered in Client Access - Time Entry
  • Social Security Number validation
    • Applied for. The entry in an employee's EIN/SSN field is Applied For.
    • Blank. There is no entry in an employee's EIN/SSN field.
  • Tax liabilities for printed checks exceeded threshold. One or more tax liabilities have exceeded their threshold. The notification email, which is sent when the payroll checks are printed, specifies which liability thresholds are affected.
  • Hours or amounts entered but zero Gross pay. The Gross pay amount for an employee is zero, even though hours or amounts have been entered. 
  • Deduction amount limit exceeded by override. A manual override on a payroll check has caused the employee's deduction limit to be exceeded. The notification email specifies which limits are affected.
  • Hours entered exceed standard hours.  The hours entered for a pay item that uses an hourly calculation type (Hourly rate, Hourly rate - Total hours, or Salaried - Hours sensitive) exceed the standard hours for the pay frequency of the check (for example, 40 hours for weekly or 80 hours for biweekly, etc.).
  • Hourly pay rate entered is greater than.  An employee's pay item uses a calculation type of Hourly rate or Hourly rate - Total hours, and the rate used by the employee exceeds the rate specified here in the Rate column.

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