Editing standard account mappings

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In Accounting CS, standard account mappings enable you to add accounts to a client's Chart of Accounts more quickly by associating a tax code with a classification code and subcode combination. Use the following procedure to customize the existing firm-level standard account mappings.

  1. Choose Setup > Firm Information > Standard Account Mappings.

    Note: The Add and Delete buttons are unavailable (grayed out) in this screen. To add or delete codes and subcodes from an Account Classification account grouping, you must use the Setup > Firm Information > Firm Account Groupings screen.

  2. Select an Account Classification grouping code and/or subcode combination from the list and click the Edit button.
  3. In the Account Groupings section, select a code and/or subcode for any of the firm account groupings (if applicable).
  4. In the Tax Information section, you can map a different tax code to existing entities and select an associated M-3 Tax Code for 1120, 1120S, or 1065 entities.
  5. Click Enter to save any changes that you made.

Note: Use the Setup > Firm Information > Firm Tax Codes screen to add new custom tax codes, or add them on the fly from the Chart of Accounts screen. When you add tax codes on the fly from the Chart of Accounts screen, they are considered client-level codes.

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