Firm client features

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The Accounting CS database has a client created by default with a client ID FIRM and the name of the client is the same as your firm information entered on the Setup > Firm Information > Firm screen. This client performs some special functionality that other clients are unable to do, even if you change the ID from FIRM to something else.

The firm client also has some limitations:

  • Client data from CSA for your firm cannot be converted into the FIRM client in Accounting CS. Client data from CSA must be converted into a new client in Accounting CS.
  • The FIRM client cannot be backed up or restored individually using the Client Data Management Utility.

Note: If you change the FIRM client ID to something other than FIRM, the features and limitations of the FIRM client still apply.

The FIRM client should not be confused with the use of the word "firm" (meaning global) in Accounting CS. Many of the screens in the Setup > Firm Information menu are things that apply globally (i.e. firm-wide) to all of your clients, instead of a specific (firm) client.

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Internal only

If the user changed the ID for their FIRM client, or if they have two clients with the same name and they aren't sure which one is the original FIRM client, use these steps to see which one it is:

  1. Choose File > Client Data Management Utility.
  2. Select Backup from the drop-down menu.
  3. In the list of clients, look in the far right column and see which client says "Not supported. This client is the firm client."