Unfinalizing a reconciled bank account

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If you find that you need to make changes to a reconciliation that has already been finalized, highlight the applicable reconciliation in the Reconciliation Listing and choose Edit > Unfinalize Reconciliation. The reconciliation will reopen and be available for you to make any adjustments. Show me


Click Yes at the prompt to confirm that you want to unfinalize the selected reconciliation.

If you need to unfinalize beyond the most current reconciliation, unfinalize each reconciliation in date order, starting with the newest dates first.

The application changes the reconciliation status to Current for the selected reconciliation and any reconciliations completed after the newly unfinalized statement are given a status of Pending.

After you make the necessary corrections, you will have to finalize the reconciliations in date order, starting with the oldest dates first.


  • The Status column in the Reconciliations Listing displays the reconciliation status (Current finalized, Pending finalized, or Finalized finalized) for each reconciliation. You can also hover your mouse pointer in the Status column to view the status in a tooltip.
  • Reconciliations with a status of Pending cannot be modified.
  • You cannot void or delete any transactions that have been cleared through a bank reconciliation; you must first unclear the transaction. If the reconciliation has already been finalized, you will need to unfinalize it and then unclear the transaction.

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