Masking and unmasking recipient TINs on Form 1099

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Per the 1099 Form instructions, the IRS allows you to mask the recipient TIN on paper copies furnished to Form 1099 recipients. The following steps walk you through modifying the Form 1099 layout in Accounting CS.

The recipient's TIN is truncated on all 2018 and later 1099 forms except Copy A (Federal) and Copy 1 (State Tax Department). Following IRS regulations, the first five digits of the nine-digit number has been replaced with Xs.

Unmasking recipient TINs

  1. Choose File > Layout Designer.
  2. Double-click the 1099 Forms folder, the folder for the appropriate year, and then double-click the specific form and copy you remove the masking on the recipient TINs for.
  3. In the RECIPIENT'S identification number box, click the [TaxForm.1099Recipient.EINMaskedWithXsUptoLastFourDigits] variable and then press the Delete key on your keyboard.
  4. In the Design Tools pane, click Variables, and then expand the Tax Form and 1099 Recipient trees using the plus (+) sign.
  5. Double-click the EIN variable to insert it in the top left corner of the form.
  6. Use the directional arrow keys on your keyboard to move the variable to the RECIPIENT'S identification number box (down/right arrows).
  7. Resize and reposition the variable as necessary.

Masking recipient TINs

  1. Choose File > Layout Designer.
  2. Double-click the 1099 Forms folder, the folder for the appropriate year, and then double-click the specific form and copy you want to mask the recipient TINs for.
  3. In the RECIPIENT'S identification number box, click the [TaxForm.1099Recipient.EIN] variable and then press the Delete key on your keyboard.
  4. In the Design Tools pane, click Variables, and then expand the Tax Form and 1099 Recipient trees using the plus (+) sign.
  5. Double-click the EIN - Masked with Asterisks up to Last Four Digits or EIN - Masked with Xs up to Last Four Digits variable to insert it in the top left corner of the form.
  6. Use the directional arrow keys on your keyboard to move the variable to the RECIPIENT'S identification number box (down/right arrows).
  7. Resize and reposition the variable as necessary.

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