Report Designer: Customer Activity variables

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The Customer Activity variables available from Report Designer can be inserted into reports or statements to display actual customer data. The following tables provide details about each of these variables.

See also: Variables overview

Workpapers CS users: This section of variables, while visible in the Design Tools frame in the Report Designer, is not relevant to Workpapers CS. If any of these variables were to be used in reports or other documents for a Workpapers CS-only client, the notation "This report contains no data" would appear.

Variable name Data content/source Format Variable syntax
Beginning Balance For transactions made to a customer, the customer beginning balance Amount [CustomerActivity.BeginningBalance]
Customer ID For transactions made to a customer, the customer ID, From Setup > Customers Number [CustomerActivity.CustomerID]
Customer Name For transactions made to a customer, the customer name, from Setup > Customers Text [CustomerActivity.CustomerName]
Total Discount Amount For transactions made to a customer, the total discount amount Amount [CustomerActivity.TotalDiscountAmount]
Total Discount Honored For transactions made to a customer, the total discounts honored Amount [CustomerActivity.TotalDiscountHonoredAmount]
Total Discount Remaining For transactions made to a customer, the total discounts remaining Amount [CustomerActivity.TotalDiscountRemainingAmount]
Total Invoice Amount For transactions made to a customer, the total invoice amount Amount [CustomerActivity.TotalInvoiceAmount]
Total Open Balance For transactions made to a customer, the total invoice open balance Amount [CustomerActivity.TotalOpenBalance]
Total Paid Amount For transactions made to a customer, the total paid amount Amount [CustomerActivity.TotalPaidAmount]
Total Sales Amount For transactions made to a customer, the total sales amount Amount [CustomerActivity.TotalSalesAmount]
Total Sales Tax Amount For transactions made to a customer, the total sales tax amount Amount [CustomerActivity.TotalSalesTaxAmount]
Total Shipping Amount For transactions made to a customer, the total shipping amount Amount [CustomerActivity.TotalShippingAmount]
Variable name Data content/source Format Variable syntax
Customer EIN/SSN For transactions made to a customer, the customer EIN or SSN, from Setup > Customers Number [CustomerActivity.Invoice.CustomerEINSSN]
Customer EIN or SSN (last four digits) For transactions made to a customer, the last four digits of the customer EIN or SSN, from Setup > Customers Number [CustomerActivity.Invoice.CustomerEINSSNLastFourDigits]
Customer ID For transactions made to a customer, the customer ID, from Setup > Customers Number [CustomerActivity.Invoice.CustomerID]
Customer Name For transactions made to a customer, the customer name, from Setup > Customers Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.CustomerName]
Invoice Date For transactions made to a customer, the date of an invoice Date [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Date]
Discount Amount For transactions made to a customer, the discount amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.DiscountAmount]
Discount Expiration Date For transactions made to a customer, the date the discount expires Date [CustomerActivity.Invoice.DiscountExpirationDate]
Discount Honored For transactions made to a customer, the discount honored Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.DiscountHonoredAmount]
Discount Remaining For transactions made to a customer, the remaining discount Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.DiscountRemainingAmount]
Invoice Due Date For transactions made to a customer, the due date Date [CustomerActivity.Invoice.DueDate]
Invoice GL AR Account For transactions made to a customer, the AR GL account Number [CustomerActivity.Invoice.GLARAccount]
Invoice GL AR Account Description For transactions made to a customer, the AR GL account description Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.GLARAccountDescription]
GL Discount Account For transactions made to a customer, the discount GL account Number [CustomerActivity.Invoice.GLDiscountAccount]
GL Discount Account Description For transactions made to a customer, the discount GL account description Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.GLDiscountAccountDescription]
Invoice Gross Amount For transactions made to a customer, the gross amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.GrossAmount]
Invoice Gross Open Balance For transactions made to a customer, the gross open amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.GrossOpenBalance]
Invoice Journal Code For transactions made to a customer, the journal code Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.JournalCode]
Invoice Journal Description For transactions made to a customer, the journal description Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.JournalDescription]
Invoice Logo For transactions made to a customer, the client logo image, from Setup > Clients Image [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Logo]
Invoice Memo For transactions made to a customer, the message, from Setup > Customers or memo from Actions > Enter Invoices Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Message]
Invoice Net Amount For transactions made to a customer, the invoice net amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.NetAmount]
Invoice Net Open Balance For transactions made to a customer, the net open balance Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.NetOpenBalance]
Invoice Open Balance For transactions made to a customer, the invoice open balance Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.OpenBalance]
Invoice Paid Amount For transactions made to a customer, the invoice paid amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.PaidAmount]
Invoice Payment Term Description For transactions made to a customer, the invoice payment term description Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.PaymentTermDescription]
Invoice Payment Term ID For transactions made to a customer, the invoice payment term ID Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.PaymentTermID]
Invoice PO Number For transactions made to a customer, the Invoice PO # Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.PONumber]
Invoice Posting Period For transactions made to a customer, the invoice posting period Date [CustomerActivity.Invoice.PostingPeriod]
Invoice Reference For transactions made to a customer, the invoice reference Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Reference]
Invoice Sales Amount For transactions made to a customer, the invoice sales amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.SalesAmount]
Invoice Sales Tax Amount For transactions made to a customer, the invoice sales tax amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.SalesTaxAmount]
Invoice Sales Tax Item Description For transactions made to a customer, the invoice sales tax item description Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.SalesTaxItemDescription]
Invoice Sales Tax Item ID For transactions made to a customer, the sales tax item ID Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.SalesTaxItemID]
Invoice Sales Tax Rate For transactions made to a customer, the invoice sales tax rate Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.SalesTaxRate]
Invoice Shipping Amount For transactions made to a customer, the invoice shipping amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.ShippingAmount]
Invoice Shipping Date For transactions made to a customer, the invoice shipping date Date [CustomerActivity.Invoice.ShippingDate]
Invoice Shipping Item Description For transactions made to a customer, the invoice shipping item description Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.ShippingItemDescription]
Invoice Shipping Item ID For transactions made to a customer, the invoice shipping item ID Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.ShippingItemID]
Invoice Shipping Name For transactions made to a customer, the invoice shipping name Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.ShippingName]
Invoice Shipping Salutation For transactions made to a customer, the invoice shipping salutation Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.ShippingSalutation]
Invoice Total Item Quantity For transactions made to a customer, the invoice total item quantity Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.TotalItemQuantity]
Invoice Type For transactions made to a customer, the invoice type Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Type]
Variable name Data content/source Format Variable syntax
Billing Address Line 1 For transactions made to a customer, the first line of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Addresses.Billing.AddressLine1]
Billing Address Line 1 and Line 2 For transactions made to a customer, the first and second lines of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Addresses.Billing.AddressLine1andAddressLine2]
Billing Address Line 2 For transactions made to a customer, the second line of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Addresses.Billing.Addressline2]
Billing Address City For transactions made to a customer, the city of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Billing.City]
Billing Address City, State and Zip For transactions made to a customer, the city, state and zip code of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Addresses.Billing.CityStateandZip]
Complete Billing Address For transactions made to a customer, the complete billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Addresses.Billing.CompleteAddress]
Complete Billing Address (single line) For transactions made to a customer, the complete billing address on a single line Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Addresses.Billing.CompleteAddressSingleLine]
Billing Address Country For transactions made to a customer, the country of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Addresses.Billing.Country]
Billing Address County For transactions made to a customer, the county of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Addresses.Billing.County]
Billing Address State For transactions made to a customer, the state abbreviation of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Addresses.Billing.State]
Billing Address State Name For transactions made to a customer, the state name of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Addresses.Billing.StateName]
Billing Address Zip Code For transactions made to a customer, the zip code of the billing address Number [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Addresses.Billing.Zip]
Shipping Address Line 1 For transactions made to a customer, the first line of the shipping address Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Addresses.Shipping.AddressLine1]
Shipping Address Line 1 and Line 2 For transactions made to a customer, the first and second lines of the shipping address Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Addresses.Shipping.AddressLine1andAddressLine2]
Shipping Address Line 2 For transactions made to a customer, the second line of the shipping address Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Addresses.Shipping.Addressline2]
Shipping Address City For transactions made to a customer, the city of the shipping address Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Addresses.Shipping.City]
Shipping Address City, State and Zip For transactions made to a customer, the city, state and zip code of the shipping address Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Addresses.Shipping.CityStateandZip]
Complete Shipping Address For transactions made to a customer, the complete shipping address Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Addresses.Shipping.CompleteAddress]
Complete Shipping Address (single line) For transactions made to a customer, the complete shipping address on a single line Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Addresses.Shipping.CompleteAddressSingleLine]
Shipping Address Country For transactions made to a customer, the country of the shipping address Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Addresses.Shipping.Country]
Shipping Address County For transactions made to a customer, the county of the shipping address Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Addresses.Shipping.County]
Shipping Address State For transactions made to a customer, the state abbreviation of the shipping address Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Addresses.Shipping.State]
Shipping Address State Name For transactions made to a customer, the state name of the shipping address Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Addresses.Shipping.StateName]
Shipping Address Zip Code For transactions made to a customer, the zip code of the shipping address Number [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Addresses.Shipping.Zip]
Variable name Data content/source Format Variable syntax
Amount For transactions made to a customer, the invoice item amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Items.Amount]
Cost For transactions made to a customer, the invoice item cost Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Items.Cost]
Cost Per Unit For transactions made to a customer, the invoice item cost per unit Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Items.CostPerUnit]
Description For transactions made to a customer, the invoice item description Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Items.Description]
GL Account Number For transactions made to a customer, the invoice item GL account Number [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Items.GLAccount]
GL Account Description For transactions made to a customer, the invoice item GL account description Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Items.GLAccountDescription]
Invoice Item ID For transactions made to a customer, the invoice item ID Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Items.ID]
Non Discount For transactions made to a customer, yes/no status for whether the discount applies to an invoice item Yes/no [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Items.NonDiscount]
Item Quantity For transactions made to a customer, the invoice item quantity Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Items.Quantity]
Item Rate For transactions made to a customer, the invoice item price rate Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Items.Rate]
Item Tax Status For transactions made to a customer, the invoice item tax status transaction Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.Items.TaxStatus]
Variable name Data content/source Format Variable syntax
Amount For AR invoice type transactions, the payment detail amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.PaymentDetails.Amount]
Applied Date For AR invoice type transactions, the payment detail applied date Date [CustomerActivity.Invoice.PaymentDetails.ApplicationDate]
Description For AR invoice type transactions, the payment detail description Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.PaymentDetails.Description]
Discounts Honored For AR invoice type transactions, the payment detail discounts honored Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.PaymentDetails.DiscountHonoredAmount]
GL Credit Account Number For AR invoice type transactions, the payment detail GL credit account Number [CustomerActivity.Invoice.PaymentDetails.GLCreditAccount]
GL Credit Account Description For AR invoice type transactions, the payment detail GL credit account description Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.PaymentDetails.GLCreditAccountDescription]
Journal Code For AR invoice type transactions, the payment detail journal code Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.PaymentDetails.JournalCode]
Journal Description For AR invoice type transactions, the payment detail journal description Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.PaymentDetails.JournalDescription]
Payment Date For AR invoice type transactions, the payment detail date Date [CustomerActivity.Invoice.PaymentDetails.PaymentDate]
Payment Type For AR invoice type transactions, the payment detail type Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.PaymentDetails.PaymentType]
Posting Period For AR invoice type transactions, the payment detail posting period Date [CustomerActivity.Invoice.PaymentDetails.PostingPeriod]
Reference For AR invoice type transactions, the payment detail reference Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.PaymentDetails.Reference]
Variable name Data content/source Format Variable syntax
Amount For AR invoice type transactions, the sales tax items amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.SalesTaxItems.Amount]
Description For AR invoice type transactions, the sales tax items description Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.SalesTaxItems.Description]
GL Account Number For AR invoice type transactions, the sales tax items GL account Number [CustomerActivity.Invoice.SalesTaxItems.GLAccount]
GL Account Description For AR invoice type transactions, the sales tax items GL account description Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.SalesTaxItems.GLAccountDescription]
ID For AR invoice type transactions, the sales tax items ID Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.SalesTaxItems.ID]
Invoice Amount For AR invoice type transactions, the sales tax items invoice amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.SalesTaxItems.InvoiceAmount]
Invoice Sales Amount For AR invoice type transactions, the sales tax items invoice sales amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.SalesTaxItems.InvoiceSalesAmount]
Invoice Shipping Amount For AR invoice type transactions, the sales tax items invoice shipping amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.SalesTaxItems.InvoiceShippingAmount]
Rate For AR invoice type transactions, the sales tax items rate Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.SalesTaxItems.Rate]
Sales Tax Description For AR invoice type transactions, the sales tax items description Text [CustomerActivity.Invoice.SalesTaxItems.SalesTaxDescription]
Tax Exempt Amount For AR invoice type transactions, the sales tax items tax exempt amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.SalesTaxItems.TaxExemptAmount]
Tax Exempt Sales Amount For AR invoice type transactions, the sales tax items tax exempt sales amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.SalesTaxItems.TaxExemptSalesAmount]
Tax Exempt Shipping Amount For AR invoice type transactions, the sales tax items tax exempt shipping amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.SalesTaxItems.TaxExemptShippingAmount]
Taxable Amount For AR invoice type transactions, the sales tax items taxable amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.SalesTaxItems.TaxableAmount]
Taxable Sales Amount For AR invoice type transactions, the sales tax items taxable sales amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.SalesTaxItems.TaxableSalesAmount]
Taxable Shipping Amount For AR invoice type transactions, the sales tax items taxable shipping amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Invoice.SalesTaxItems.TaxableShippingAmount]
Variable name Data content/source Format Variable syntax
Beginning Date For AR statements, the statement activity beginning date Date [CustomerActivity.Statement.BeginDate]
Beginning Balance For AR statements, the statement activity beginning balance Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.BeginningBalance]
Current Discount Honored Amount For AR statements, the statement current discount honored amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentDiscountHonoredAmount]
Current Discount Remaining Amount For AR statements, the statement current discount remaining amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentDiscountRemainingAmount]
Current Invoice Gross Amount For AR statements, the statement current invoice gross amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentInvoiceGrossAmount]
Current Open Balance For AR statements, the current open balance Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentOpenBalance]
Current Payment Amount For AR statements, the statement current payment amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentPaymentAmount]
Customer EIN/SSN For AR statements, the customer EIN or SSN, from Setup > Customers Number [CustomerActivity.Statement.CustomerEINSSN]
Customer EIN/SSN (last four digits) For AR Statements, the last four digits of the customer EIN or SSN, from Setup > Customers Number [CustomerActivity.Statement.CustomerEINSSNLastFourDigits]
Customer ID For AR Statements, the customer ID, from Setup > Customers Number [CustomerActivity.Statement.CustomerID]
Customer Name For AR statements, the customer name, from Setup > Customers Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.CustomerName]
Statement Ending Date For AR statements, the statement activity ending date Date [CustomerActivity.Statement.EndDate]
Statement Ending Balance For AR statements, the statement ending balance Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.EndingBalance]
Logo For AR statements, the logo on the statement, from Setup > Clients Image [CustomerActivity.Statement.Logo]
Statement Open Balance For AR statements, the statement open balance Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.OpenBalance]
Open Discount Remaining For AR statements, the statement open discount remaining Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.OpenDiscountRemainingAmount]
Open Invoice Amount For AR statements, the statement open invoice amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.OpenInvoiceAmount]
Statement Date For AR statements, the statement date Date [CustomerActivity.Statement.StatementDate]
Unapplied Payment Amount For AR statements, the statement unapplied payment amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.UnappliedPaymentAmount]
Variable name Data content/source Format Variable syntax
Billing Address Line 1 For AR statements, the first line of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Billing.AddressLine1]
Billing Address Line 1 and Line 2 For AR statements, the first and second lines of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Billing.AddressLine1andAddressLine2]
Billing Address Line 2 For AR statements, the second line of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Billing.AddressLine2]
Billing Address City For AR statements, the city of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Billing.City]
Billing Address City, State and Zip For AR statements, the city state and zip code of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Billing.CityStateandZip]
Complete Billing Address For AR statements, the complete billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Billing.CompleteAddress]
Complete Billing Address (single line) For AR statements, the complete billing address on a single line Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Billing.CompleteAddressSingleLine]
Billing Address Country For AR statements, the country of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Billing.Country]
Billing Address County For AR statements, the county of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Billing.County]
Billing Address State (abbreviation) For AR statements, the state abbreviation of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Billing.State]
Billing Address State (full name) For AR statements, the state name of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Billing.StateName]
Billing Address Zip Code For AR statements, the zip code of the billing address Number [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Billing.Zip]
Business Address Line 1 For AR statements, the first line of the business address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Business.AddressLine1]
Business Address Line 1 and Line 2 For AR statements, the first and second lines of the business address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Business.AddressLine1andAddressLine2]
Business Address Line 2 For AR statements, the second line of the business address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Business.AddressLine2]
Business Address City For AR statements, the city of the business address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Business.City]
Business Address City, State and Zip For AR statements, the city state and zip code of the business address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Business.CityStateandZip]
Complete Business Address For AR statements, the complete business address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Business.CompleteAddress]
Complete Business Address (single line) For AR statements, the complete business address on a single line Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Business.CompleteAddressSingleLine]
Business Address Country For AR statements, the country of the business address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Business.Country]
Business Address County For AR statements, the county of the business address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Business.County]
Business Address State (abbreviation) For AR statements, the state abbreviation of the business address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Business.State]
Business Address State (full name) For AR statements, the state name of the business address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Business.StateName]
Business Address Zip Code For AR statements, the zip code of the business address Number [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Business.Zip]
Home Address Line 1 For AR statements, the first line of the home address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Home.AddressLine1]
Home Address Line 1 and Line 2 For AR statements, the first and second lines of the home address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Home.AddressLine1andAddressLine2]
Home Address Line 2 For AR statements, the second line of the home address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Home.AddressLine2]
Home Address City For AR statements, the city of the home address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Home.City]
Home Address City, State and Zip For AR statements, the city state and zip code of the home address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Home.CityStateandZip]
Complete Home Address For AR statements, the complete home address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Home.CompleteAddress]
Complete Home Address (single line) For AR statements, the complete home address on a single line Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Home.CompleteAddressSingleLine]
Home Address Country For AR statements, the country of the home address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Home.Country]
Home Address County For AR statements, the county of the home address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Home.County]
Home Address State (abbreviation) For AR statements, the state abbreviation of the home address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Home.State]
Home Address State (full name) For AR statements, the state name of the home address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Home.StateName]
Home Address Zip Code For AR statements, the zip code of the home address Number [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Home.Zip]
Mailing Address Line 1 For AR statements, the first line of the mailing address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Mailing.AddressLine1]
Mailing Address Line 1 and Line 2 For AR statements, the first and second lines of the mailing address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Mailing.AddressLine1andAddressLine2]
Mailing Address Line 2 For AR statements, the second line of the mailing address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Mailing.AddressLine2]
Mailing Address City For AR statements, the city of the mailing address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Mailing.City]
Mailing Address City, State and Zip For AR statements, the city state and zip code of the mailing address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Mailing.CityStateandZip]
Complete Mailing Address For AR statements, the complete mailing address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Mailing.CompleteAddress]
Complete Mailing Address (single line) For AR statements, the complete mailing address on a single line Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Mailing.CompleteAddressSingleLine]
Mailing Address Country For AR statements, the country of the mailing address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Mailing.Country]
Mailing Address County For AR statements, the county of the mailing address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Mailing.County]
Mailing Address State (abbreviation) For AR statements, the state abbreviation of the mailing address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Mailing.State]
Mailing Address State (full name) For AR statements, the state name of the mailing address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Mailing.StateName]
Mailing Address Zip Code For AR statements, the zip code of the mailing address Number [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Mailing.Zip]
Other Address Line 1 For AR statements, the first line of the other address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Other.AddressLine1]
Other Address Line 1 and Line 2 For AR statements, the first and second lines of the other address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Other.AddressLine1andAddressLine2]
Other Address Line 2 For AR statements, the second line of the other address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Other.AddressLine2]
Other Address City For AR statements, the city of the other address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Other.City]
Other Address City, State and Zip For AR statements, the city state and zip code of the other address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Other.CityStateandZip]
Complete Other Address For AR statements, the complete other address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Other.CompleteAddress]
Complete Other Address (single line) For AR statements, the complete other address on a single line Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Other.CompleteAddressSingleLine]
Other Address Country For AR statements, the country of the other address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Other.Country]
Other Address County For AR statements, the county of the other address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Other.County]
Other Address State (abbreviation) For AR statements, the state abbreviation of the other address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Other.State]
Other Address State (full name) For AR statements, the state name of the other address Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Other.StateName]
Other Address Zip Code For AR statements, the zip code of the other address Number [CustomerActivity.Statement.Addresses.Other.Zip]
Variable name Data content/source Format Variable syntax
Amount For AR statements, the current activity for the statement range Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentActivity.Amount]
Date For AR statements, the date of the invoice Date [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentActivity.Date]
Due Date For AR statements, the due date of the invoice Date [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentActivity.DueDate]
Open Balance For AR statements, the open balance of the invoice Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentActivity.OpenBalance]
PO Number For AR statements, the PO Number of the invoice Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentActivity.PONumber]
Reference For AR statements, the reference of the invoice Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentActivity.Reference]
Type For AR statements, the type of the invoice Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentActivity.Type]
Variable name Data content/source Format Variable syntax
Amount For AR statements, the amount of the invoice Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentInvoiceItemDetails.Amount]
GL Account Number For AR statements, the GL account of the invoice Number [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentInvoiceItemDetails.GLAccount]
GL Account Description For AR statements, the GL account description of the invoice Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentInvoiceItemDetails.GLAccountDescription]
ID For AR statements, the invoice Item ID of the invoice Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentInvoiceItemDetails.ID]
Date For AR statements, the date of the invoice Date [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentInvoiceItemDetails.InvoiceDate]
PO Number For AR statements, the PO number of the invoice Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentInvoiceItemDetails.InvoicePONumber]
Reference For AR statements, the reference of the invoice Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentInvoiceItemDetails.InvoiceReference]
Non Discount For AR statements, yes/no status for whether the discount applied of the invoice Yes/no [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentInvoiceItemDetails.NonDiscount]
Quantity For AR statements, the quantity of the invoice Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentInvoiceItemDetails.Quantity]
Rate For AR statements, the rate of the invoice Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentInvoiceItemDetails.Rate]
Tax Status For AR statements, the tax status of the invoice Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentInvoiceItemDetails.TaxStatus]
Variable name Data content/source Format Variable syntax
Date For AR statements, the date of the invoice Date [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentInvoices.Date]
Discount Expiration Date For AR statements, the discount expiration of the invoice Date [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentInvoices.DiscountExpirationDate]
Discount Remaining Amount For AR statements, the remaining amount of the invoice Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentInvoices.DiscountRemainingAmount]
Due Date For AR statements, the due date of the invoice Date [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentInvoices.DueDate]
Gross Amount For AR statements, the gross amount of the invoice Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentInvoices.GrossAmount]
Open Balance For AR statements, the open balance amount of the invoice Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentInvoices.OpenBalance]
PO Number For AR statements, the PO number of the invoice Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentInvoices.PONumber]
Reference For AR statements, the reference number of the invoice Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentInvoices.Reference]
Sales Amount For AR statements, the sales amount of the invoice Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentInvoices.SalesAmount]
Sales Tax Amount For AR statements, the sales tax amount of the invoice Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentInvoices.SalesTaxAmount]
Shipping Amount For AR statements, the shipping amount of the invoice Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentInvoices.ShippingAmount]
Type For AR statements, the invoice type of the invoice Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentInvoices.Type]
Variable name Data content/source Format Variable syntax
Payment Amount For AR statements, the current payment amount of the invoice Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentPayments.Amount]
Payment Date For AR statements, the current payment date of the invoice Date [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentPayments.Date]
Discount Honored Amount For AR statements, the current payment discount honored Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentPayments.DiscountHonoredAmount]
Open Balance For AR statements, the current payment open balance Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentPayments.OpenBalance]
Payment Reference For AR statements, the current payment reference Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentPayments.Reference]
Payment Type For AR statements, the current payment type Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.CurrentPayments.Type]
Variable name Data content/source Format Variable syntax
Open Activity Amount For AR statements, the open activity amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.OpenActivity.Amount]
Date For AR statements, the open activity date Date [CustomerActivity.Statement.OpenActivity.Date]
Due Date For AR statements, the open activity date Date [CustomerActivity.Statement.OpenActivity.DueDate]
Open Balance For AR statements, the open activity balance Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.OpenActivity.OpenBalance]
PO Number For AR statements, the open activity PO Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.OpenActivity.PONumber]
Reference For AR statements, the open activity reference Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.OpenActivity.Reference]
Activity Type For AR statements, the open activity type Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.OpenActivity.Type]
Variable name Data content/source Format Variable syntax
Amount For AR statements, the prior open activity amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.PriorOpenActivity.Amount]
Date For AR statements, the prior open activity date Date [CustomerActivity.Statement.PriorOpenActivity.Date]
Due Date For AR statements, the prior open activity due date Date [CustomerActivity.Statement.PriorOpenActivity.DueDate]
Open Balance For AR statements, the prior open activity open balance Amount [CustomerActivity.Statement.PriorOpenActivity.OpenBalance]
PO Number For AR statements, the prior open activity PO number Number [CustomerActivity.Statement.PriorOpenActivity.PONumber]
Reference For AR statements, the prior open activity reference Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.PriorOpenActivity.Reference]
Type For AR statements, the prior open activity invoice type Text [CustomerActivity.Statement.PriorOpenActivity.Type]
Variable name Data content/source Format Variable syntax
Customer EIN/SSN For transactions made to a customer, the customer EIN or SSN, from Setup > Customers Number [CustomerActivity.Transaction.CustomerEINSSN]
Customer EIN/SSN (last four digits) For transactions made to a customer, the last four digits of the customer EIN or SSN, from Setup > Customers Number [CustomerActivity.Transaction.CustomerEINSSNLastFourDigits]
Customer ID For transactions made to a customer, the customer ID, From Setup > Customers Number [CustomerActivity.Transaction.CustomerID]
Customer Name For transactions made to a customer, the customer name, From Setup > Customers Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.CustomerName]
Date For transactions made to a customer, the date Date [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Date]
Discount Amount For transactions made to a customer, the discount amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.DiscountAmount]
Discount Expiration Date For transactions made to a customer, the discount expiration date Date [CustomerActivity.Transaction.DiscountExpirationDate]
Discount Honored Amount For transactions made to a customer, the discount honored amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.DiscountHonoredAmount]
Discount Remaining Amount For transactions made to a customer, the discount remaining amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.DiscountRemainingAmount]
Due Date For transactions made to a customer, the due date Date [CustomerActivity.Transaction.DueDate]
GL AR Account Number For transactions made to a customer, the AR GL account Number [CustomerActivity.Transaction.GLARAccount]
GL AR Account Description For transactions made to a customer, the AR GL account description Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.GLARAccountDescription]
GL Discount Account Number For transactions made to a customer, the discount GL account Number [CustomerActivity.Transaction.GLDiscountAccount]
Discount Account Description For transactions made to a customer, the discount GL account description Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.GLDiscountAccountDescription]
Gross Amount For transactions made to a customer, the gross amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.GrossAmount]
Gross Open Balance For transactions made to a customer, the gross open amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.GrossOpenBalance]
Journal Code For transactions made to a customer, the journal code Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.JournalCode]
Journal Description For transactions made to a customer, the journal description Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.JournalDescription]
Logo For transactions made to a customer, the client logo image from Setup > Clients Image [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Logo]
Transaction Memo For transactions made to a customer, the memo Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Message]
Net Amount For transactions made to a customer, the net amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.NetAmount]
Net Open Balance For transactions made to a customer, the net open balance Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.NetOpenBalance]
Open Balance For transactions made to a customer, the open balance Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.OpenBalance]
Paid Amount For transactions made to a customer, the paid amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.PaidAmount]
Paid Sales Amount For transactions made to a customer, the paid sales amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.PaidSalesAmount]
Paid Sales Tax Amount For transactions made to a customer, the paid sales tax amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.PaidSalesTaxAmount]
Paid Shipping Amount For transactions made to a customer, the paid shipping amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.PaidShippingAmount]
Payment Term Description For transactions made to a customer, the payment term description Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.PaymentTermDescription]
Payment Term ID For transactions made to a customer, the payment term ID Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.PaymentTermID]
PO Number For transactions made to a customer, the PO # Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.PONumber]
Posting Period For transactions made to a customer, the posting period Date [CustomerActivity.Transaction.PostingPeriod]
Reference For transactions made to a customer, the reference number Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Reference]
Sales Amount For transactions made to a customer, the sales amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.SalesAmount]
Sales Tax Amount For transactions made to a customer, the sales tax amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.SalesTaxAmount]
Sales Tax Item Description For transactions made to a customer, the sales tax description Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.SalesTaxItemDescription]
Sales Tax Item ID For transactions made to a customer, the sales tax item ID Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.SalesTaxItemID]
Sales Tax Rate For transactions made to a customer, the sales tax rate Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.SalesTaxRate]
Shipping Amount For transactions made to a customer, the shipping amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.ShippingAmount]
Shipping Date For transactions made to a customer, the shipping date Date [CustomerActivity.Transaction.ShippingDate]
Shipping Item Description For transactions made to a customer, the shipping item description Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.ShippingItemDescription]
Shipping Item ID For transactions made to a customer, the shipping item ID Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.ShippingItemID]
Shipping Name For transactions made to a customer, the shipping name Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.ShippingName]
Shipping Salutation For transactions made to a customer, the shipping salutation Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.ShippingSalutation]
Total Item Quantity For transactions made to a customer, the total item quantity Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.TotalItemQuantity]
Transaction Type For transactions made to a customer, the transaction type Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Type]
Variable name Data content/source Format Variable syntax
Billing Address Line 1 For transactions made to a customer, the first line of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Addresses.Billing.AddressLine1]
Billing Address Line 1 and Line 2 For transactions made to a customer, the first and second lines of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Addresses.Billing.AddressLine1andAddressLine2]
Billing Address Line 2 For transactions made to a customer, the second line of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Addresses.Billing.AddressLine2]
Billing Address City For transactions made to a customer, the city of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Addresses.Billing.City]
Billing Address City, State and Zip For transactions made to a customer, the city, state and zip code of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Addresses.Billing.CityStateandZip]
Complete Billing Address For transactions made to a customer, the complete billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Addresses.Billing.CompleteAddress]
Complete Billing Address (single line) For transactions made to a customer, the complete billing address on a single line Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Addresses.Billing.CompleteAddressSingleLine]
Billing Address Country For transactions made to a customer, the country of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Addresses.Billing.Country]
Billing Address County For transactions made to a customer, the county of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Addresses.Billing.County]
Billing Address State (abbreviation) For transactions made to a customer, the state abbreviation of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Addresses.Billing.State]
Billing Address State (full name) For transactions made to a customer, the state name of the billing address Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Addresses.Billing.StateName]
Billing Address Zip Code For transactions made to a customer, the zip code of the billing address Number [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Addresses.Billing.Zip]
Shipping Address Line 1 For transactions made to a customer, the first line of the shipping address Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Addresses.Shipping.AddressLine1]
Shipping Address Line 1 and Line 2 For transactions made to a customer, the first and second lines of the shipping address Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Addresses.Shipping.AddressLine1andAddressLine2]
Shipping Address Line 2 For transactions made to a customer, the second line of the shipping address Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Addresses.Shipping.AddressLine2]
Shipping Address City For transactions made to a customer, the city of the shipping address Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Addresses.Shipping.City]
Shipping Address City, State and Zip For transactions made to a customer, the city, state and zip code of the shipping address Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Addresses.Shipping.CityStateandZip]
Complete Shipping Address For transactions made to a customer, the complete shipping address Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Addresses.Shipping.CompleteAddress]
Complete Shipping Address (single line) For transactions made to a customer, the complete shipping address on a single line Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Addresses.Shipping.CompleteAddressSingleLine]
Shipping Address Country For transactions made to a customer, the country of the shipping address Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Addresses.Shipping.Country]
Shipping Address County For transactions made to a customer, the county of the shipping address Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Addresses.Shipping.County]
Shipping Address State (abbreviation) For transactions made to a customer, the state abbreviation of the shipping address Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Addresses.Shipping.State]
Shipping Address State (full name) For transactions made to a customer, the state name of the shipping address Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Addresses.Shipping.StateName]
Shipping Address Zip Code For transactions made to a customer, the zip code of the shipping address Number [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Addresses.Shipping.Zip]
Variable name Data content/source Format Variable syntax
Amount For transactions made to a customer, the applied invoice amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.Amount]
Invoice Application Date For transactions made to a customer, the applied invoice application date Date [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.ApplicationDate]
Discount Expiration Date For transactions made to a customer, the transaction discount expiration date Date [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.DiscountExpirationDate]
Discount Honored Amount For transactions made to a customer, the discount honored amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.DiscountHonoredAmount]
GL AR Account For transactions made to a customer, the applied invoice GL AR account Number [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.GLARAccount]
GL AR Account Description For transactions made to a customer, the applied invoice GL AR account description Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.GLARAccountDescription]
Date For transactions made to a customer, the applied invoice date Date [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.InvoiceDate]
Due Date For transactions made to a customer, the applied invoice due date Date [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.InvoiceDueDate]
Journal Code For transactions made to a customer, the applied invoice journal code Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.JournalCode]
Journal Description For transactions made to a customer, the applied invoice journal code description Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.JournalDescription]
PO Number For transactions made to a customer, the applied invoice PO # Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.PONumber]
Posting Period For transactions made to a customer, the applied invoice Posting Period Date [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.PostingPeriod]
Reference For transactions made to a customer, the applied invoice reference Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.Reference]
Amount For transactions made to a customer, the applied sales tax item amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.SalesTaxItems.Amount]
Description For transactions made to a customer, the applied sales tax item description Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.SalesTaxItems.Description]
GL Account For transactions made to a customer, the applied sales tax item GL account Number [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.SalesTaxItems.GLAccount]
GL Account Description For transactions made to a customer, the applied sales tax item GL account description Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.SalesTaxItems.GLAccountDescription]
ID For transactions made to a customer, the applied sales tax item ID Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.SalesTaxItems.ID]
Invoice Amount For transactions made to a customer, the applied sales tax item invoice amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.SalesTaxItems.InvoiceAmount]
Invoice Sales Amount For transactions made to a customer, the applied sales tax item invoice sale amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.SalesTaxItems.InvoiceSalesAmount]
Invoice Shipping Amount For transactions made to a customer, the applied sales tax item invoice shipping amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.SalesTaxItems.InvoiceShippingAmount]
Rate For transactions made to a customer, the applied sales tax item rate Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.SalesTaxItems.Rate]
Sales Tax Description For transactions made to a customer, the applied sales tax item  Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.SalesTaxItems.SalesTaxDescription]
Tax Exempt Amount For transactions made to a customer, the applied sales tax item tax exempt amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.SalesTaxItems.TaxExemptAmount]
Tax Exempt Sales Amount For transactions made to a customer, the applied sales tax item tax exempt sales amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.SalesTaxItems.TaxExemptSalesAmount]
Tax Exempt Shipping Amount For transactions made to a customer, the applied sales tax item tax exempt shipping amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.SalesTaxItems.TaxExemptShippingAmount]
Taxable Amount For transactions made to a customer, the applied sales tax item taxable amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.SalesTaxItems.TaxableAmount]
Taxable Sales Amount For transactions made to a customer, the applied sales tax item taxable sales amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.SalesTaxItems.TaxableSalesAmount]
Taxable Shipping Amount For transactions made to a customer, the applied sales tax item taxable shipping amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedInvoices.SalesTaxItems.TaxableShippingAmount]
Variable name Data content/source Format Variable syntax
Amount For transactions made to a customer, the applied payment amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedPayments.Amount]
Application Date For transactions made to a customer, the applied payment date Date [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedPayments.ApplicationDate]
Payment Description For transactions made to a customer, the applied payment description Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedPayments.Description]
Discount Honored Amount For transactions made to a customer, the applied payment discount honored amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedPayments.DiscountHonoredAmount]
GL Credit Account For transactions made to a customer, the applied payment GL Credit Account Number [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedPayments.GLCreditAccount]
GL Credit Account Description For transactions made to a customer, the applied payment GL credit Account description Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedPayments.GLCreditAccountDescription]
Journal Code For transactions made to a customer, the applied payment journal code Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedPayments.JournalCode]
Journal Description For transactions made to a customer, the applied payment journal code description Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedPayments.JournalDescription]
Applied Payment Date For transactions made to a customer, the applied payment date Date [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedPayments.PaymentDate]
Applied Payment Type For transactions made to a customer, the applied payment type Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedPayments.PaymentType]
Posting Period For transactions made to a customer, the applied payment posting period Date [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedPayments.PostingPeriod]
Reference For transactions made to a customer, the applied payment reference number Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.AppliedPayments.Reference]
Variable name Data content/source Format Variable syntax
Amount For transactions made to a customer, the item amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Items.Amount]
Cost For transactions made to a customer, the item cost Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Items.Cost]
Cost Per Unit For transactions made to a customer, the item cost per unit Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Items.CostperUnit]
Description For transactions made to a customer, the item description Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Items.Description]
GL Account For transactions made to a customer, the item GL account number Number [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Items.GLAccount]
GL Account Description For transactions made to a customer, the item GL account description Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Items.GLAccountDescription
Item ID For transactions made to a customer, the item ID Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Items.ID]
Non Discount For transactions made to a customer, yes/no status for whether the discount applied Yes/no [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Items.NonDiscount]
Quantity For transactions made to a customer, the item quantity Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Items.Quantity]
Rate For transactions made to a customer, the item rate Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Items.Rate]
Tax Status For transactions made to a customer, the item tax status Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.Items.TaxStatus]
Variable name Data content/source Format Variable syntax
Amount For transactions made to a customer, the sales tax item amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.SalesTaxItems.Amount]
Description For transactions made to a customer, the sales tax item description Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.SalesTaxItems.Description]
GL Account For transactions made to a customer, the sales tax item GL account Number [CustomerActivity.Transaction.SalesTaxItems.GLAccount]
GL Account Description For transactions made to a customer, the sales tax item GL account description Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.SalesTaxItems.GLAccountDescription]
ID For transactions made to a customer, the sales tax item ID Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.SalesTaxItems.ID]
Invoice Amount For transactions made to a customer, the sales tax item invoice amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.SalesTaxItems.InvoiceAmount]
Invoice Sales Amount For transactions made to a customer, the sales tax item invoice sales amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.SalesTaxItems.InvoiceSalesAmount]
Invoice Shipping Amount For transactions made to a customer, the sales tax item invoice shipping amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.SalesTaxItems.InvoiceShippingAmount]
Paid Amount For transactions made to a customer, the sales tax item paid amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.SalesTaxItems.PaidAmount]
Paid Invoice Amount For transactions made to a customer, the sales tax item paid invoice amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.SalesTaxItems.PaidInvoiceAmount]
Paid Invoice Sales Amount For transactions made to a customer, the sales tax item paid invoice sales amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.SalesTaxItems.PaidInvoiceSalesAmount]
Paid Invoice Shipping Amount For transactions made to a customer, the sales tax item paid invoice shipping amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.SalesTaxItems.PaidInvoiceShippingAmount]
Rate For transactions made to a customer, the sales tax item rate Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.SalesTaxItems.Rate]
Description For transactions made to a customer, the sales tax item description Text [CustomerActivity.Transaction.SalesTaxItems.SalesTaxDescription]
Tax Exempt Amount For transactions made to a customer, the sales tax item tax exempt amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.SalesTaxItems.TaxExemptAmount]
Tax Exempt Sales Amount For transactions made to a customer, the sales tax item tax exempt sales amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.SalesTaxItems.TaxExemptSalesAmount]
Tax Exempt Shipping Amount For transactions made to a customer, the sales tax item tax exempt shipping amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.SalesTaxItems.TaxExemptShippingAmount]
Taxable Amount For transactions made to a customer, the sales tax item taxable amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.SalesTaxItems.TaxableAmount]
Taxable Sales Amount For transactions made to a customer, the sales tax item taxable sales amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.SalesTaxItems.TaxableSalesAmount]
Taxable Shipping Amount For transactions made to a customer, the sales tax item taxable shipping amount Amount [CustomerActivity.Transaction.SalesTaxItems.TaxableShippingAmount]

See also: Report Designer: Procedures

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