Analyze Client Activity - Payroll Schedules

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The Payroll Schedules view enables you to view or print a report of your clients' payroll schedules without leaving the screen or client in which you're working. The view includes schedule names, time in dates, period begin dates, period end dates, check dates, and checks out dates.

From any client-specific screen, use one of the following methods to access the Payroll Schedules view.

  • Press CTRL+H.
  • Click the Analyze Client Activity analyze account activity button button in the toolbar and choose Payroll Schedules.
  • Choose Actions > Analyze Client Activity > Payroll Schedules.

Fields & buttons

  • Client. Select a client whose payroll schedules you want to view.
  • Refresh. Click to update the view with any changes that you have made.
  • Print. Click to print the current view.

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