Chart of Accounts screen

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Use the Chart of Accounts screen to add, modify, or delete accounts in the client's chart of accounts.

Choose Setup > Chart of Accounts.

Note: You can add accounts on the fly by entering a unique account number in any account field and then pressing TAB to move to the next field. When you enter an account that does not yet exist, the application prompts you to add the account; choose Yes at the prompt to open the Chart of Accounts screen.

See also: Adding accounts to the chart of accounts

Fields & buttons


In the Identification section, enter basic information about the account.

  • Account number. Enter a unique account number.
  • Description. Enter a descriptive name for this account using up to 120 characters.
  • Type. Specify the account type by selecting one of the following options from the drop-down list: Asset, Equity, Expense, Liability, Memo, Revenue.
  • Inactive checkbox. Mark this checkbox to designate this as an inactive account. The application filters inactive accounts from all account drop-down lists throughout the application, so they are not available for selection. However, you can include inactive accounts in reports, and you can reactivate the account at any time by clearing this checkbox.
  • Restrict from Client Access. (Available only when the Client Access service is enabled for the client) Mark this checkbox to prevent the client from using this account in any of the GL account fields in their Accounting CS Client Access application.

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