ACH File - Entry detail record

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Each deposit included in the Company / Batch Header Record of an ACH file includes one Entry Detail Record with the following information (position numbers are listed in parentheses).

An ACH file is a simple ASCII-format file that adheres to Automated Clearing House specifications. A single ACH file holds multiple electronic transactions, much like a manila file folder that is used to store and transmit dozens of sheets of paper with information related to a single topic. Each transaction within an ACH file carries either a credit or a debit value. Typically, a payroll ACH file contains many credit transactions to employees' checking or savings accounts, as well as a balancing debit transaction to the employer's (that is, your client's) payroll account.

Field Name Contents (and position numbers)
Record Type Code

The numeral 6. (01-01) 1 numeric.

Record Type Code, example
ACH nontax rec type code
Transaction Code

Determined by the nature of the transaction and the contents of the Checking / Savings field. (02-03) 2 numeric.

The possible entries are:

  • 22, Checking Credit Live
  • 23, Checking Credit Prenote
  • 24, Checking Credit Child Support prenote
  • 27, Checking Debit Live
  • 28, Checking Debit Prenote
  • 29, Checking Debit Child Support prenote
  • 32, Savings Credit Live
  • 33, Savings Credit Prenote
  • 34, Savings Credit Child Support prenote
  • 37, Savings Debit Live
  • 38, Savings Debit Prenote
  • 39, Savings Debit Child Support prenote
  • 52, Loan Credit Live
  • 53, Loan Credit Prenote
Transaction Code, example
ACH nontax tx code
Receiving DFI Identification

The first eight digits of the nine-digit bank routing number associated with the bank selected in the Direct Deposit tab of the Setup > Employees screen or the Setup > Vendors screen. (04-11) 8 numeric.

Receiving DFI Identification, example
ACH nontax receiving DFI ID
Check Digit

The last digit of the nine-digit bank routing number associated with the bank selected in the Direct Deposit tab of the Setup > Employees screen or the Setup > Vendors screen. (12-12) 1 numeric.

Check Digit, example
DFI Account Number

The number entered in the Account # field as entered in the Direct Deposit tab of the Setup > Employees screen or the Setup > Vendors screen. (13-29) 17 alphanumeric.

DFI Account Number, example
ACH nontax DFI acct num

The amount calculated by the application for this transaction for this account distribution. (30-39) 10 numeric.

Amount, example
ACH nontax amt
Individual Identification Number

The choice selected in the Individual identification field as entered in the Advanced Setup dialog, accessed from the Direct Deposit tab (or the Client Direct Deposit tab, if applicable) of the Setup > Bank Accounts screen. (40-54) 15 alphanumeric.

Individual Identification Number, example
ACH nontax indiv ID num
Individual Name (PPD) / Receiving or Company Name (CCD)

Contains the employee or vendor/agent name associated with the transaction. (55-76) 22 alphanumeric.

Individual Name (PPD) / Receiving or Company Name (CCD), example
ACH nontax indiv name
Discretionary Data

Completed by the bank that receives the ACH file. (77-78) 2 alphanumeric.

Discretionary Data, example
ACH nontax discr data
Addenda Record Indicator

The numeral 0 if there is no addenda record or the numeral 1 if this is a child support payment or tax payment that requires an addenda record. (79-79) 1 numeric.

Addenda Record Indicator, example
ACH nontax addenda record indicator
Trace Number

Based on the bank routing number associated with the bank selected in the Originator bank field as entered in the Direct Deposit tab (or the Client Direct Deposit tab, if applicable) of the Setup > Bank Accounts screen. A 15-digit number in which positions 1-8 are the first eight digits of the originator's routing number, and positions 9-15 are numbers assigned in ascending order to each transaction within the Company / Batch Header Record. (80-94) 15 numeric.

Trace Number, example
ACH nontax trace num

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