Completing client time entry (remote payroll entry)

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For live payroll processing only

After the payroll schedule information has been uploaded, the client can enter time and complete time entry. Once the client completes time entry, a confirmation email is sent to the staff members assigned to the roles specified in the Remote Payroll Time Entry Options dialog. If no staff roles have been assigned there, or if those staff members have no email addresses entered, the confirmation email is sent to the designated NetFirm CS Portal Administrator.

The application sends an email to the staff member selected in the Staff Assignments section on the Setup > Clients > Main tab (using the email address specified for that staff member on the Main tab of the Setup > Firm Information > Staff screen). If no email address has been added for a staff member that is designated as Primary processor, Backup processor, or Reviewer, the checkboxes for those designations are grayed out in this section.


  • Only one pay schedule at a time can be on the client's portal. If your client has two payroll schedules that use remote time entry, the first timesheet should be uploaded, the client must enter time and complete the payroll, and the timesheet must be imported back to the application to make the next timesheet available for upload.
  • Email confirmations are available only if email addresses have been added in the Main tab of the Staff screen for staff members that are designated as Primary processor, Backup processor, or Reviewer in the Main tab of the Clients screen.

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