Processing electronic forms

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For payroll compliance (annually licensed)

Forms filed by Electronic method are processed using the Actions > Process Electronic Forms screen.

After you have queued electronic forms in the Actions > Process Payroll Tax Forms screen, follow these steps to send them to the appropriate agency.


  • The application queues electronic files and displays them in this screen only if the Filing copy checkbox is marked in the Print dialog when you process the payroll tax forms.
  • Any liabilities associated with the queued files are considered to be Pending at this point, and are therefore made unavailable in the Liabilities tab of the File > Print Checks screen.
  1. Choose Actions > Process Electronic Forms.
  2. Click the Transmission Information button to open the Transmission Information dialog to add or verify transmission information. (This is generally a one-time setup step.)
  3. Mark the checkboxes next to the forms you want to transmit.
  4. Preview selected forms by clicking the Preview Selected button.

    Note: If necessary, you can remove selected forms by clicking the Remove Selected button.

  5. Click the Transmit Forms button to send the forms to the appropriate agent via Thomson Reuters' secure servers. A copy of the file is stored in the location specified in the Electronic/Internet/Magnetic field in the File Creation tab of the Setup > File Locations dialog.


    • When the files are processed, any associated liabilities are closed and paid to the agency to which the forms are transmitted.
    • Once a payment has been transmitted, it cannot be modified or canceled within Accounting CS. The application creates a payment transaction for the paid liability in the Actions > Enter Transactions screen.
  6. After processing the forms, you can check the filing status of the forms.

Note: There is a per-return transmission cost for electronically filing federal 94x forms; enrollment files do not accrue a fee. There is no additional transmission cost for electronically filing state forms. For many firms, it may be more cost efficient to purchase an unlimited e-filing license. For pricing information on the unlimited e-filing license, contact your Sales Representative.

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