Verifying client and employee W-2 information

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Following these procedures below will ensure that your W-2 client and employee information is complete and accurate prior to processing forms.

  1. In the Setup > Clients screen, verify that client EINs (on the Main tab) and state withholding IDs (on the Payroll Taxes tab) have been entered.
  2. Verify the payroll tax form filing method and the additional information for W-2 forms on the Payroll Taxes tab of the Setup > Clients screen.
  3. Run an Employee Earnings report (via File > Print Reports) and modify the report options to include the Missing/Invalid W-2 Information region.
  4. Choose Actions > Verify SSN/TIN and verify employee Social Security numbers.
  5. Verify Box 12 and Box 14 codes and descriptions in the following screens and tabs.
    • The Setup > Payroll Items screen
    • The Payroll Taxes tab of the Setup > Clients screen
    • The Personal tab of the Setup > Employees screen
  6. Choose File > Print Reports and view the W-2 Verification report.
  7. Mark employees as verified in the Actions > Verify W-2 screen.
  8. Order forms if you're using the pre-printed form method.

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