Report Designer: Cell mode

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In the designer grid you can change to Cell mode to define the properties and formatting that apply to one or more cells.

cell prop section

Select a cell, or multiple cells in the grid to open the Cell Properties section in the Design Tools frame. (To select multiple cells, you can press and hold the CTRL key and click each cell within the design grid.)

See also: Report Designer overview

The Cell section of the Design Tools frame includes the following fields and checkboxes.

Current Focus

  • Region. Displays the region that corresponds to the current selection in the design grid.
  • Cell. Displays the cell reference number that corresponds to the current cell selection in the design grid.

Cell Properties

  • Contents. Enter text or click the Formula Insert formula button button to create and insert a formula into the selected cell(s).
  • Grouping type/Grouping content. For accounting reports only. Select the grouping type and then select the applicable grouping content (account number or account grouping code/subcode).
  • Period. Select the symbol or code that specifies the time period(s) from which to pull amounts (for example, CP-Current period, CY-Current year-to-date, CT-Current year total, and so forth). Click the Select Period Select Period button button to open the Period dialog to view a complete list of period indicators and to create formulas.
  • Amount type. Specify an actual amount or select the balance, debit, or credit amount type. (The debit and credit amount types, for example, are frequently used in statements of cash flow.)
  • Basis. For accounting reports only. Select the basis from the drop-down list: Unadjusted, Adjusted, Report, Tax, Other, Budget, Adjusted Budget, and so forth.
  • Segments. Select a segment from a list of available segments that have been set up for the client in the Setup > Account Segments screen.
  • Print distinct values (checkbox). To enable variables to repeat only for each unique instance of the variable data, mark this checkbox. For example, in the Deduction Register report, the [Payroll.Check.EmployeeFullNameLastFirstMI] variable requires a unique value for each employee name. For details, see Repeating elements in a report.
  • Print total amount (checkbox). To include the total amount for the amount variables in the selected cells(s), mark this checkbox. (This option has no affect if selected for any item other than an amount variable.)
  • Repeat right (checkbox). To designate a cell or cells with a repeating variable that should repeat right rather than down, mark this checkbox. (Repeating variables normally repeat down.)

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