Report Designer: Options for financial statements

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You can select options on the Report tab of the File > Page Setup dialog to modify related options in the File > Print - Options dialog in the Report Designer and in the File > Print Reports screen.

Select a financial statement in the Report Designer, choose File > Page Setup, and click the Report tab.

See also: Making report options available at print time

Selecting header, footer, and date options

  1. Choose how you want the header or footer to print on the selected financial statement. The drop-down list includes options to print on every page, on the first page only, on all but the first page, or on the first page with alternate on subsequent pages.
  2. Select the date type and specific date options to make them available in the drop-down list for the selected financial statement.

    Note: The type of dates that are available vary based on the report type. For example, financial statements include only accounting dates.

Selecting options for financial statements

The following options for accounting method, filtering and sorting, journal entry treatment, and implied filtering apply to the selected financial statement.

The implied filter is the default setting that can be overridden in the File > Print > Options dialog.

Mark the Accounting method checkbox to create an optional section in the File > Print > Options dialog that enables you to select an accounting basis (Client, Accrual, or Cash) for reports that include accounts payable and/or accounts receivable general ledger activity.

Note: The accounting basis can be set up in the Setup > Clients > Accounts Payable tab and/or the Setup > Clients > Accounts Receivable tab to be used as the default for reports that use the Client basis and reports that depend on a basis, but do not offer the accounting method options at print time.

Mark the Balance basis checkbox to create an optional section in the File > Print > Options dialog that enables you to select a Balance Basis (Adjusted, Report, Tax, and Other).

Note: Basis types that are applied to amounts in a report or financial statement in the Report Designer via the Design Tools frame are not overwritten with the basis that is selected in the Print – Options dialog at print time.

Mark the checkboxes for the data sources to include in the File > Print > Options dialog when you print the selected report.

Note: The Bank Account data source is available by default. All other data sources vary based on the variables that are inserted on the selected report. For example, for a report that includes client variables, the Client checkbox is displayed in the Filtering and Sorting Options section.

Mark the appropriate checkbox for the payroll, accounts payable, and/or accounts receivable journal entry treatment options to include the corresponding summarizing options in the File > Print > Options dialog when you print the selected report.

The options you choose here determine the default accounts (based on their type) that are included when you print the selected report.

Note: You can override certain implied filtering options in the Filtering and Sorting section of the File > Print > Options dialog when you print the selected report.

For general ledger accounts

  • None. Applies no default filtering so that all general ledger accounts are displayed.
  • Non memo accounts. Filters out memo-type accounts so that only non-memo type accounts are displayed.

The options you choose here determine the default transactions (based on their status) that will be included when you print the selected report.

Note: You can override certain implied filtering options in the Filtering and Sorting section of the File > Print > Options dialog when you print the selected report.

For transactions

  • None. Applies no default filtering so that all transactions (regardless of status) are displayed.
  • Standard. Filters out voided and deleted transactions so that only standard, live transactions are displayed.

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