Report Designer: Aligning decimals in a report or financial statement

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You can use the following steps to correct align amount decimals in columns after editing the report in the Report Designer grid. This typically occurs when formatting at the cell level is inconsistent.

To open a report or financial statement layout for editing, choose File > Report Designer. In the Reports list frame, click the plus (+) sign next to the document type folder to expand the list, and then double-click a report or financial statement layout to open it in the design grid.

Prior to making changes to a report (including letters and financial statements) in the Report Designer, we recommend that you choose File > Save As to save the report with a different name. To restore a predefined report in which changes have been made, you can choose File > Restore Default.

Example of misaligned decimals in an Income Statement

In this example, mixed negative amount formats produces a misalignment of amount decimals in the Total column.

example misalignment of amounts

Follow these steps to correct the misalignment of decimals in amounts within a report.

  1. In the design grid, select the cell(s) in a column that contain misaligned amounts.
  2. Choose Format > Cells to and click the Format tab.
  3. Verify that the format is different than the other cells in the column.
  4. Select Amount in the Category list, and then select the Negative amounts to match the other cells in the amount column.
  5. Choose File > Save As to save the report changes, and preview or print the report to verify that the amounts line up in the report as expected.

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