Bank Feeds Options dialog

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Use the Bank Feeds Options dialog to specify the default journal and description to use for imported transactions and to specify the number of days to search before and after the transaction date when matching transactions.

In the Bank Feeds portlet, click the Options link in the bottom-left corner of the screen.

Fields & buttons

  • Journal. The journal you select here will be assigned to the transactions when they are approved and imported.
  • Description. Select the description to use for the retrieved transactions — the description imported on the transaction record or the vendor name. When the application retrieves the transactions, it will display the description based on this selection.


    • When you select Vendor name, the application automatically enters the vendor's name as the transaction description when the vendor is selected or changed.
    • Regardless of which option you select, if a Description is set based on a rule in the Rules dialog, the application honors the transaction description set by that rule.

Number of days offset. When the application matches retrieved transactions with existing Accounting CS transactions, part of the matching logic looks for transactions that are dated within three days before or after the transaction date. You can select a different number of days here for the application to use.

Note: The application determines matches as follows.

  1. Accounting CS compares the reference and amount for each retrieved transaction against the reference and amount for existing Accounting CS transactions.
  2. Accounting CS compares the amount and date for each remaining retrieved transaction against the amount and date for existing Accounting CS transactions. By default, the application compares the date of the existing transactions with dates that are within three days of the retrieved transaction. However, you can change the number of days for comparison in this dialog. This ensures that Accounting CS matches more deposits, debits, and credit card transactions.

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