Confirm Next Check Number dialog

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Use this dialog to verify or modify the next check number or reference number to be used for check printing. 

To update the bank account with a new next check number or reference, modify the entries in the fields in this dialog and then click OK. The application will update the next check number for the bank account with the number or reference you have entered even if the check printing process is canceled or if checks were not printed successfully. 

This dialog displays when you print a check from a bank account for which the Prompt to confirm next check number before printing checkbox is marked in the Setup > Bank Accounts screen. This feature can be useful when reprinting checks and reusing the same check number.

Fields & buttons

Bank account. This field displays the description of the selected bank account.

  • Next check number. To specify the next check number to be used for check printing, enter or modify it here.
  • Use separate references for: Zero amount net checks. To specify the reference to use for zero-amount net checks - such as payments via direct deposit, EFTPS, and electronic or internet files - mark this checkbox and enter the beginning reference in the text field.

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