Remote Payroll Entry Import dialog

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Use the Remote Payroll Entry Import dialog to verify payroll data submitted from your client via NetClient CS.

Choose Actions > Enter Batch Payroll Checks, and then choose a payroll schedule with remote payroll data pending download.

Tabbed pages in this dialog

Updated Employees tab. If the client made any changes to employee records, those changes are displayed in this tab. Click + next to any employee to see details about the changes that were made and mark or clear the checkboxes to accept or reject any of the changes.

Added Employees tab. If the client added new employees, those employees are displayed in this tab. Click + next to any employee to see the details of the employee record. Mark or clear the checkboxes to accept or reject the new employee record. Before you can accept any new employee records, you must enter an Employee ID.

Remote Entry Detail tab. Use this tab to review details about the payroll data entered by the client.

Notes tab. Use this tab to review any general or employee-specific notes entered by the client.

Click the Print button to print a report of the information from all tabs in the dialog.

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