Transaction Distributions dialog

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Use this dialog to distribute a transaction to multiple GL accounts. This enables you to provide more details on what is included in the transaction.

In the Bank Feeds portlet on the Bank Feeds Dashboard, locate the transaction you want to distribute, and then click the Ellipsis button for that transaction.

Fields & buttons

The application displays the reference and transaction amount from the Bank Feeds portlet for this transaction. These fields are read-only.

Use the grid to select the applicable GL account and specify the amount for each distribution. Note that you must distribute the entire transaction amount. The application will not let you save the distributions until the full amount has been distributed.

To delete a row, highlight the row and click the Delete button. To change the order of the distributions, highlight the row you want to move, and use the and to move it to the correct position.

As you enter distributions in the grid above, the application calculates the amount that still needs to be distributed and displays that amount here. The amount must be zero before you can save the distributions.

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