Adjust Taxable Wages dialog

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The Adjust Taxable Wages dialog enables you to view and make adjustments to taxable wage amounts and gross taxable wage amounts for individual payroll checks. This might be necessary to make corrections to the taxable wage information on payroll checks due to an error in tax treatment or to reduce taxable wage amounts if retirement plan contributions for an employee are paid outside of the payroll process.

From the Enter Transactions screen, select a payroll check and then choose Edit > Adjust Taxable Wages.

Note: You can view the calculated taxable wage amounts and gross taxable wage amounts for any payroll check; however, you can make adjustments only to payroll checks that have been printed, or to handwritten payroll checks for which liabilities have been generated.

Fields & buttons

Tax Balance grid.
The grid contains the following columns.

  • Description. This column displays the description for each tax.
  • Tax Type. This column indicates whether the tax is paid by the employee (EE) or employer (ER).
  • Gross Taxable Wages. This column displays the gross taxable wages for the selected payroll check, without regard for wage limits (if applicable).
  • Taxable Wages. This column displays the taxable wages for the selected payroll check, including any reductions due to wage limits.
  • Adjusted Gross Taxable Wages. Enter the adjusted gross taxable wage amount for the selected payroll check.
  • Adjusted Taxable Wages. Enter the adjusted taxable wages for the selected payroll check.
  • Adjusted Taxable Wages Distributions. Click the Ellipsis button to open the Adjust Taxable Wages Distributions dialog. You can use this dialog to enter adjustments for gross taxable wages and taxable wages for specific location / department combinations.
  • Tax Amount. This column displays the tax amounts for the selected payroll check.
  • Notes. Use this column to enter any notes regarding the adjustment. You can click the Ellipsis button next to the Notes column to open the Notes dialog, providing a larger text-input area.

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