Clients > Billing tab

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Use the Billing tab to select applicable fees to bill to a client and to specify billing options, discount and sales tax information, fees to bill, and GL distributions for the fees.

Choose Setup > Clients and click the Billing tab.

Fields & buttons

  • Create fees as final. Mark this checkbox to have the application create any GL entries and associated liabilities immediately when the fee is created. When this checkbox is marked, the fee is filtered from the Select Invoices to Print dialog by default. See Creating fees as final.
  • Exclude tax agent transactions from billing. Mark this checkbox to exclude any tax agent checks when billing this client. This might be the case if the client signs up for the firm's tax filing service and is billed separately for a service package rather than on a per check basis.
  • Bill to other client. Mark this checkbox to assign this client's fees to another client for invoicing, and then select that other client in the Client drop-down list. The client specified in this field will be billed for fees that apply to the currently selected client. One example of how this might apply would be if your firm is processing payroll for both you (the accountant) and the client; you may want to bill your firm for the client's payroll services.

    Note: If the Bill to other client checkbox is marked for a client, that client cannot be selected as the Bill to client for another client.

The discount information in these fields applies to this client's invoices in general, not to any specific fee.

Note: If discount information is specified for this client but a fee is to be excluded from that discount, be sure that the checkbox in the Disc column is unmarked for that fee in the Fee Selection grid below.

  • Percent > Amount. Choose either Percent or Amount and then enter the discount percentage or amount in the field.
  • Start date > End date. Enter the start and end dates for which this discount applies, if applicable. The check date furthest in the future within the check run for payroll or vendor checks is evaluated against the date range specified in the Start date and End date fields. If the check date is on or within that range, the discount is made available.

    Note: If the billing item is set up for both payroll and vendors, only the check with the most future date is used to determine if the discount is valid for the check run. If the payroll and vendor checks are printed in separate runs, each run is evaluated individually.

  • Description. Enter a description (up to 240 characters) for the discount. This description is printed on reports and invoices. If this field is blank, the application uses "Discount" as the default description.

If the client's fees are subject to sales taxes, enter the applicable information in the Sales Tax Information grid.

  • Taxing authority. Select the applicable taxing authority. The drop-down list includes all the taxing authorities to which this client is potentially subject.
  • Delivery. If the sales tax applies to delivery for this client, mark this checkbox. Note that if this setting is different from the taxable/non-taxable status specified for this fee in the Setup > Firm Information > Billing Items screen, the setting in this grid will override the setting for this client only.
  • Discount. If the sales tax applies to the discount for this client, mark this checkbox.
  • Rate. Enter the sales tax rate for this taxing authority.
  • GL Account. Enter or select the GL account number for this tax.
  • Exempt. If the client is exempt from sales tax and you must report exempt sales, mark the Exempt checkbox for the taxing authority. No sales tax will be charged on the client billing invoice, but the sales amount will be reported on the Sales Tax Report.

Use the Fee Selection grid to select all fees that apply to this client. By default, all standard fees are already selected for the client and are listed in the print order specified in the Setup > Firm Information > Billing Items screen. If applicable, you can delete any of the pre-selected fees.

Note: Note that once a fee is selected in the grid, you cannot change that selection. To select a different item, you need to delete the row and then select the new fee from the drop-down list.

  • Description. Select the applicable fee. The drop-down list includes all fees that were set up in the Setup > Firm Information > Billing Items screen.
  • Type. This read-only field displays the calculation type selected for this fee in the Setup > Firm Information > Billing Items screen.
  • Amount. This field displays the amount specified for this fee in the Setup > Firm Information > Billing Items screen. If the fee is set up to use a graduated table, the Amount column contains a Table button. Click the Table button to open the read-only Fee Schedule dialog, where you can view the schedule set up for this fee.
  • Delivery. To apply a delivery fee to this fee, select the applicable delivery fee.
  • Taxable. To calculate sales tax on this fee amount, mark this checkbox.
  • Discount. To include this fee in the discount calculation set up in the Discount Information section above, mark this checkbox.
  • Waive Until. If this fee is not to be assessed for this client until a later date, enter that date. If the fee is dated on or before the Waive Until date, the fee is not created.

    The invoice will still include the fee as calculated, but it will also include a separate line item labeled "Item Waived" for the same amount, and that amount will be subtracted from the invoice total.

  • Schedule. If this fee is set up as a scheduled fee type, a green Billing schedule button button will be displayed in this column. Click this button to open the Fee Detail dialog, where you can specify the frequency, method, and date for the scheduled fee.
  • Rate Adj. If this fee is set up to use a graduated table, a red Billing rate adj button button will be displayed in this column. Click this button to open the Rate Adjustment dialog, where you can adjust the fee rate for a specified period of time.

Delete button To delete a fee from the grid, highlight the fee row and click this button.

Down arrow button Up arrow button To change the order in which the fees will print for this client, use these buttons to move the fee up or down in the grid.

Enter or select the appropriate GL account number to use when creating the associated payable transactions for each distribution. The drop-down lists include the accounts set up in the client's Chart of Accounts.

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