Edit Shortfall Balances dialog

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For live payroll processing only

Use the Edit Shortfall Balances dialog to adjust shortfall balances for an employee's payroll items or payroll taxes and to create adjustment liabilities for them, if necessary. The dialog displays all active payroll items and payroll taxes for the employee, but you can choose to include inactive items that have shortfall balances.

Shortfall balances are updated in this dialog when unprinted payroll checks with shortfall overrides are printed or changed to handwritten and when adjustments are made here in this dialog.

Choose Setup > Employees > Payroll Items tab or Setup > Employees > Payroll Taxes tab and then click the Edit shortfall balances link.

Fields & buttons

  • Shortfall balances grid. The grid displays all active payroll items or payroll tax items for the selected employee and lists the description, the existing shortfall balance, and the total outstanding amount for each item. To adjust a shortfall balance, enter an amount in the Adjustment column. To create a liability for the adjustment amount entered against the shortfall balance of an item, mark the checkbox in the Create Adjustment Liabilities column.

  • Include inactive items with a balance. By default, the dialog displays only payroll items and payroll tax items that are active for the selected employee. To also display any inactive items that have shortfall balances, mark this checkbox.

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