Manage Impound Payments Options dialog

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Use the Manage Impound Payments Options dialog when making payments in the Manage Impound Payments screen to do the following.

  • Specify the types of liabilities to display (pending and funded, or funded only).
  • Choose to preview a report when impound payments are created.
  • Choose to display a prompt to change the transaction payment dates.
  • Specify what outputs to create.
  • Set a lead time per payment method and agent type.

Choose Actions > Manage Impound Payments and then choose Edit > Options.

Fields & buttons

Specify firm-level settings for the Manage Impound Payments screen.

  • Limit payments to funded liabilities only. When this checkbox is marked, the application creates payments only for liabilities in the Manage Impound Payments screen that are already funded (i.e., the status for the liability in the Impound column must display Funded, not Pending).
  • Preview report after paying selected liabilities. When this checkbox is marked and payments are created (when the Pay Selected button is clicked in the Manage Impound Payments dialog), the application previews or prints the Manage Impound Payments report, which lists the payments that were created.
  • Prompt for payment date override. When this checkbox is marked, the application opens the Payment Date Override dialog when the Pay Selected button is clicked in the Manage Impound Payments dialog. Use the Payment Date Override dialog to enter a new payment date for the payments being created and then click OK.


    • This will not change any transaction dates that have been overridden manually in the Manage Impound Payments grid.
    • To use the existing transaction payment dates, you can leave the New transaction payment date field blank and click OK.
    • To cancel the print process and return to the Manage Impound Payments dialog, click the Cancel button.

Mark a checkbox to specify that you do not want to print check stubs for that type of payment method.

  • Direct Deposit
  • Internet
  • Magnetic
  • Electronic

This grid enables you to select a number of lead days to use for each payment method for each agent type. By default, all methods for both tax agents and payroll agents default to 0 lead days.


  • Payment methods in the grid that apply only to tax agents will be grayed out and unavailable in the Payroll Agents column.

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