Adding SMART Practice Aids to a linked engagement binder

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You can add SMART Practice Aid documents to a linked engagement binder in Workpapers CS without opening the Workpaper CS application.

Use the following steps in SMART to add SMART documents to an existing engagement that is linked to SMART Practice Aids in Accounting CS Workpapers.

  1. Open PPC's SMART Practice Aids and choose File > Open > Client Engagement or press CTR+O to open a linked Accounting CS Workpapers client engagement.
  2. Choose Tools > Create SMART Docs... and mark the checkboxes next to the SMART Practice Aids that you want to upload to the engagement binder in Accounting CS Workpapers, and then click the Create button.

    PPC open existing engagement

  3. Use the Generation Status dialog to monitor the progress of workpaper generation in real-time. Any errors that occur during the generation process can be viewed in the Error Report tab.


  4. After the workpaper generation is complete, close the Generation Status dialog, and then the Upload status dialog is displayed.
  5. Close the dialog, and then close or minimize the PPC's SMART Practice Aids application.
  6. Open Accounting CS Workpapers to view the linked SMART Practice Aids that you just added to the engagement binder.

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