Using the Engagement Binders Tree portlet

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For licensed users of Accounting CS Workpapers

The Engagement Binders Tree portlet provides a tree structure display of your client’s engagement binders, folders, and workpapers. Using this portlet, you can add workpapers, reorganize binders, folders, and workpapers, print binders to FileCabinet CS, add signoffs, and use Source Document Processing (for 1040 tax engagements only).

Navigating the portlet

The columns in the Engagement Binders Tree portlet displays the following information.

  • Binder or folder name
  • Workpaper reference
  • Workpaper name
  • Assignment and status
  • Note icon (when present)
  • Signoff name (for each type that is set up for the current engagement)

Use the toolbar on the portlet to open the Engagement Binders dialog, add a folder, workpaper, note, scan a workpaper or image, delete a workpaper, print, or roll forward the engagement binder. Show toolbar

Engagement Binder Tree toolbar.


  • You can customize the toolbar by clicking the Toolbar options arrow to remove unused icons or create a customized toolbar.
  • You can right-click in the toolbar and clear the Engagement Binder Tree Toolbar checkbox to remove it from the portlet. To add the toolbar back, you must close/remove the Engagement Binders Tree portlet from the view, and then re-add it from the Select Portlets dialog.

Working in the tree

  1. Click the plus sign Expand tree sign button next to the engagement binder briefcase, folders, or subfolders to expand them in the tree.
  2. Double-click a workpaper in the Engagement Binders Tree to open it in the relevant application (Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Adobe Reader, and so forth).
  3. Right-click an engagement binder briefcase, folder, or document to open a context menu that consists of commands for the selected item type. For details, see Right-click menus in the Engagement Binders Tree portlet.


  • You can right-click the engagement binder and choose Expand to open all the folders and subfolders in the tree.
  • You can click the Refresh refresh tree button in the toolbar to refresh all the items in the Engagement Binders Tree portlet.

Working with documents

Use one of the following methods to add a workpaper to the engagement binder.

  • Click the Add Workpaper add workpaper button on the toolbar of the Engagement Binders Tree portlet.
  • Click the Scan Workpaper scan workpaper button on the toolbar of the Engagement Binders Tree portlet.
  • Right-click the engagement binder briefcase briefcase button or folder folder icon , and then choose Add Workpaper.
  • Drag-and-drop a workpaper from a local folder on your workstation into the Engagement Binders Tree portlet.

    Note: You cannot drag-and-drop from your local workstation to the engagement binder if you are using the application in the Virtual Office CS or Service as a Software (SaaS) environments.

Use one of the following methods to view a workpaper in the the Workpapers Dashboard.

  • Double-click a workpaper to open it in the appropriate application, such as Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word.
  • Right-click a workpaper and choose Open to view the workpaper in its native application.
  • Single-click a workpaper in the Engagement Binders Tree portlet to view it in the Workpapers Preview portlet (when open in the dashboard).

Use one of the following methods to delete a workpaper from the Engagement Binders Tree.

  • Click a workpaper to select it in the tree, and then click the Delete delete button in the toolbar, or press the Delete key on your keyboard.
  • Right-click a workpaper and choose Delete.


    • All workpapers contained within folders and binders that are deleted in the Engagement Binders Tree portlet are also deleted.
    • Workpapers that are sent to the recycle bin after deletion are not permanently deleted until you right click the Recycle bin and choose Empty Recycle Bin, or when you choose to Finalize the Engagement Binder.

Additional functions

Additional functions that can be performed in the Engagement Binders Tree portlet include the following:

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