Replacing an existing workpaper in the engagement binders tree

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For licensed users of Accounting CS Workpapers

You can replace existing workpapers in the Engagement Binders Tree portlet by using any of the common methods for adding a workpaper, such as via the Add Workpaper Wizard, drag and drop from Windows Explorer, or via the File Exchange portlet. The following steps describe how to replace an existing workpaper in the Engagement Binder Tree portlet via the right-click context menu.

  1. In the Engagement Binders Tree Portlet, right-click a workpaper and choose Replace Workpaper to open the Add Workpaper wizard.
  2. Choose a workpaper type and click Next.
  3. In the Workpaper Properties screen of the wizard you can modify the roll forward treatment, assignment, and choose whether or not to delete the workpaper when you Finalize the engagement.
  4. Click the Finish button to replace the existing workpaper in the engagement binders tree.


  • Options in the Workpaper Wizard will vary based on the workpaper type (Placeholder, External, Custom Excel, Blank Word, Blank Excel).
  • In the Workpaper Properties screen of the Add Workpaper Wizard, the properties of the original workpaper flow to the replacement workpaper. The Location, Reference, and Name fields cannot be changed from the wizard. As soon as the workpaper is replaced in the engagement binder, you can right-click and choose Properties to update any fields that were not available to edit in the wizard, as needed.
  • Only a single workpaper can be selected if you choose External as the workpaper type to replace an existing workpaper.
  • Workpapers that are replaced are moved to the Recycle folder and renamed with a number following the workpaper name - for example, 22b to 22b(1).

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