Using the File Exchange Documents portlet

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For licensed users of Accounting CS with the Workpapers service enabled and an active NetStaff CS portal

The File Exchange Documents portlet in Accounting CS enables you to access and insert documents to and from the NetStaff CS portal directly into the engagement binder.

The following procedure assumes that you have set up a NetStaff CS login and have activated it in the Main tab of the Setup > Firm Information > Staff screen.

  1. Open the File Exchange Documents portlet in the Workpapers Dashboard.
  2. Click the Login button to log in to your NetStaff CS portal.
  3. Select the name of the portal from the drop-down list in the File Exchange View field.

    Note: Your firm's NetStaff CS administrator may need to adjust the File Exchange permissions on the NetStaff CS portal.

  4. Double-click the folder to move down a level and use the following toolbar buttons to navigate in the NetStaff CS portal in the File Exchange Documents portlet.
    Button Purpose
    Return to the base folder
    Move up a folder level in the portal
    Save the selected document to the current engagement binder
    Refresh the portlet view to display recently uploaded workpapers
  5. Select a document, and drag and drop it into the Engagement Binders tree portlet, or click the Save button in the toolbar.
  6. When the Add Workpaper wizard opens, enter a workpaper reference number, and if necessary, update other information for the document in the Workpaper Properties dialog such as target location, name, roll forward treatment, assignment, and so forth.
  7. Click OK to close the dialog and insert the workpaper into the engagement binder.


  • Documents can be dragged and dropped from the portlet directly into the Engagement Binders tree. If the Engagement Binders Tree portlet is not currently open, you can click the Save button to save the selected document into the engagement binder.
  • You can drag-and-drop workpapers directly from the Engagement Binders Tree portlet to the File Exchange Documents portlet to upload them to File Exchange in NetStaff CS portal.
  • You can delete documents from File Exchange in the NetStaff CS portal, but they cannot be deleted from the File Exchange Document portlet in the Workpapers Dashboard. 

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