Entering AP prepayments to a vendor

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You can enter AP check and AP payment transactions as prepayments in the Actions > Enter Transactions screen. When you save prepayment transactions, they are available in the Actions > Manage Payments screen, where you can apply the payments to one or more payables.

Note: Accounting CS determines 1099 totals by the AP payment distributions. For an AP prepayment, the application uses the 1099 form/box as entered, regardless of the form/box designation on any applied payable. For a payment generated to pay a payable (created by selecting the payable to pay in the Manage Payments screen), the application uses the 1099 form/box designations on the selected payables to create the payment distributions and their associated form/box designation.

Entering AP checks

  1. Choose Actions > Enter Transactions.
  2. Select the appropriate client from the client selection field in the upper-right corner of the screen.
  3. In the Transaction Detail section, select AP check from the Type field.
  4. Select the bank account from which the check will be issued.
  5. If this is a handwritten check, mark the Handwritten/Check # checkbox and then enter the check number in the field below it.

    Handwritten check transactions represent physical checks that were written from the selected bank account and that need to be recorded in Accounting CS to ensure that the balance in Accounting CS matches the actual bank balance. Note that you cannot print a handwritten check from Accounting CS.

  6. Enter the check date and amount.
  7. Enter or select the ID of the vendor who will receive the payment. If you set up this vendor in the Setup > Vendors screen, the application automatically enters information from the vendor record in many of the fields in the AP check record.

    Note: The ID drop-down list includes only 1099 and trade vendors.

  8. In the Distributions tab, enter the applicable GL accounts and amounts for the check distribution.
  9. Click the Address tab and enter all applicable addresses - business, home, and/or other.
  10. Click the Notes tab and enter any notes about this AP check.
  11. Click Enter to save the AP check record.

Note: The Applied Payables tab is read-only. After you apply this AP check to one or more payables in the Actions > Manage Payments screen, those application details will be listed in this tabbed page.

Entering AP payments

  1. Choose Actions > Enter Transactions.
  2. Select the appropriate client from the client selection field in the upper-right corner of the screen.
  3. In the Transaction Detail section, select AP payment from the Type field.
  4. Select the bank account from which the payment will be issued.
  5. If applicable, enter a reference number for this payment.
  6. Enter the payment date and amount.
  7. Enter or select the ID of the vendor who will receive the payment. If you set up this vendor in the Setup > Vendors screen, the application automatically enters information from the vendor record in many of the fields in the AP payment record.

    Note: The ID drop-down list includes only 1099 and trade vendors.

  8. In the Distributions tab, enter the applicable GL accounts and amounts for the payment distribution.
  9. Click the Notes tab and enter any notes about this AP payment.
  10. Click Enter to save the AP payment record.

Note: The Applied Payables tab is read-only. After you apply this AP payment to one or more payables in the Actions > Manage Payments screen, those application details will be listed in this tabbed page.

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