Setting up clients for accounts payable processing

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If your accountant has enabled the Accounts Payable service in Accounting CS, you must specify settings in the client record before you can begin processing accounts payable activity.

  1. Choose Setup > Clients and click the Accounts Payable tab.
  2. Specify whether or not you want to allow the same reference number and/or PO number to be used for more than one payable.
  3. Select the default general ledger account to use as the AP account for new vendors.
  4. Click Enter to save the client record.
  5. Before you print any AP checks, you must specify a default AP check layout. You can always select a different layout at print time, if necessary.
    1. Choose Setup > Bank Accounts and click the Check Layout tab.
    2. In the Accounts Payable field, select the default AP check layout to use, and then click Enter to save the selection.

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