Using the Detail tab in the Manage Customer Payments screen

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Use the Detail tab to enter customer payment transactions and to add more detail to transactions that were entered in the Rapid tab. You can also apply those payments to open customer invoices or finance charges.

  1. Choose Actions > Manage Customer Payments and click the Detail tab.
  2. Click the Add button to open a new transaction record.
  3. In the Transaction Detail section, select the transaction type, customer ID, journal, posting period, and GL account.
  4. Enter a payment date or use one of the date entry shortcuts.
  5. Enter a reference for the payment transaction, if applicable.
  6. Enter the payment amount.
  7. If you entered invoices for the selected customer in the Actions > Enter Invoices screen, you can apply this payment to one or more of the customer's open invoices in the Apply Transactions tab.
  8. To enter any notes about this payment transaction, click the Notes tab and enter that information.
  9. Click Enter to save the payment transaction.

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