Setting up Other type garnishments

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The Other garnishment special type enables you to set up a garnishment that isn't directly supported by the application, such as State tax levies.

To set up an employee with an Other special type garnishment and have the application make the appropriate calculations during payroll check entry, follow these steps.

See also: Garnishment overview

Setting up a vendor as a payroll agent for an Other type garnishment

You will need to modify a payroll agent vendor to receive the garnishment deduction.

  1. To add a new vendor, choose Setup > Vendors and click the Add button. Or, for an existing vendor, click the Edit button.
  2. Enter vendor information as usual.
  3. In the Identification section of the Main tab, select Payroll Agent in the Vendor type field.
  4. In the Payment Preferences section, make your selections based on how you will submit the payment.
    • If you're paying by check, select Check.
    • If you're making the payment outside of Accounting CS, select Payment.
    • If you're paying via direct deposit, select Direct Deposit and then, in the Direct Deposit tab, enter valid direct deposit information for the vendor.
  5. Click Enter to save your changes to the vendor.

Creating Other type garnishment payroll items

The first step is to create a payroll item for the client to use for employees using this garnishment type.

  1. Add a new deduction item for the client.

    Note: We recommend that you do not enter an agent in the Identification section. You will select the appropriate agents when you add case information in the Other grid.

  2. In the Special Type section of the Main tab of the Payroll Items screen, click the Garnishment option and select Other from the drop-down list. Show me.
    Other special type
  3. If this garnishment is subject to a limit that restricts the amount to the lesser of a) a specified percentage of the employee's disposable income or b) the amount by which the employee's disposable income exceeds 30 times the minimum wage (federal or state), you can specify this rule in the Limits section by marking the checkbox and choosing either the  federal or state minimum wage.
  4. Click Enter to save the changes.

Adding the new deduction item to an employee record

  1. In the Setup > Employees > Payroll Items tab, make the new garnishment deduction item active for the employee by marking its checkbox in the Deductions grid.
  2. Click the Ellipsis Ellipsis button button for the new deduction item.
  3. Enter or select the appropriate information in the Other section of the Main tab of the Employee Payroll Item Settings dialog. Show me.
    Other type garnishment grid
    • Case Identifier. (Required) Enter the case identification number. 
    • Order date. You can enter the date on which the case was issued.  This field is not mandatory, but it is used only to determine the priority of multiple garnishments when needed.
    • Agent. You can use this field to assign a payroll agent to the Other order to use for generating liabilities.
    • Percent or Amount. Specify the percent or the amount that is to be deducted per paycheck.
    • Total Order amount. You can use this field to specify a perpetual limit for the case. If you leave this field at its default $0.00 amount, the application will assume that the garnishment has no limit.
    • Inactive date. Use this field to specify a date on which the garnishment is no longer active.  Payroll checks entered on or after this date will not include this garnishment. Note that the date you enter here must fall on or after the date in the Order date field.
  4. Save the employee payroll item information.


Limits are not restricted by the Consumer Credit Protection Act (CCPA).  This garnishment type is available so that firms can create any garnishment that the application does not support, such as state tax levy garnishments.

Employee- and client-level limits

The application defaults to 25% as the maximum % of disposable income, but you can change this limit for a client in the Main tab of the Payroll Items screen or for specific employees in the Employee Payroll Item Settings dialog.

If this garnishment is subject to a limit that restricts the amount to the lesser of a) a specified percentage of the employee's disposable income or b) the amount by which the employee's disposable income exceeds 30 times the minimum wage (federal or state), you can specify this rule in the Limits section of the Main tab of the Payroll Items screen by marking the checkbox and choosing either the  federal or state minimum wage.

Employee-level limits

If the Maximum % of disposable income field is set to 100%, you can specify the dollar amount that is exempt from Other type garnishment calculations.

  • The default value is $0.00, which means there is no amount exempt from the Other garnishment calculation.
  • If an amount is entered in this field, the system calculates the Other garnishment deduction as the difference between the employee's take-home pay and the exempt amount.

Related articles Garnishment overview

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