Transferring transactions to a different bank account

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If you save a transaction with the wrong bank account, you can transfer those transactions to the correct bank account using the steps below.

  1. Choose Actions > Enter Transactions.
  2. Click the Edit Multiple Transactions link at the bottom of the screen.
  3. In the Edit Multiple Transactions dialog, select Transfer from the Action field.
  4. In the Destination bank account field, select the bank account to which you want to transfer the checks.
  5. In the Transactions grid, mark the checkbox for each check that you want to transfer to the new account.
  6. Click OK to transfer the selected checks to the new bank account.

Payroll liabilities

The process is different for payroll liabilities,. In this case, the bank account is based on the selection that was made in the Payment Preferences section of the vendor record. To change the bank account for a payroll liability, follow the steps below.

  1. Choose Setup > Vendors.
  2. In the Payment Preferences section of the Main tab, select the bank account and clear the Always use payroll bank for liabilities checkbox.

Printed checks

If you save a printed check transaction with the wrong bank account, you can transfer those transactions to the correct bank account using the steps below.

  1. Choose Actions > Enter Transactions.
  2. Select the printed checks with the wrong bank account, and then void, delete, or reverse them.
  3. Re-enter the checks with the correct bank account.
  4. Re-print the checks.

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