Print Checks > Payroll Liabilities tab

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Use the Payroll Liabilities tab to print payments that were created via payroll check printing, invoice printing, or through the generation of liabilities for handwritten checks. In addition, when you click the Print Selected button, you can choose to print the payment forms associated with the liabilities you have selected.

Choose File > Print Checks and click the Payroll Liabilities tab.

Note: The application uses the Payroll liability payments journal that is selected on the Transaction Defaults tab of the Enter Transactions Options dialog when creating checks printed from the Payroll Liabilities tab.

Fields & buttons

Mark this checkbox to use the due date from the selected liability as the payment date. If multiple liabilities are selected for a vendor and they have different due dates, the application uses the earliest of those dates as the payment date. When this checkbox is not marked, the application uses the system date as the payment date by default.

The Payroll Liabilities grid contains an expandable list of all clients or vendors with unpaid liabilities. Click the plus(+) sign to the left of a client or vendor to expand the list to show individual liabilities. Mark the checkbox next to a client or vendor to select all payroll liabilities for that client or vendor, or mark the checkbox next to individual liabilities that you want to pay. 


  • The only fields in the grid that can be modified are the Payment Date fields and the Sort Order fields.
  • The unpaid liabilities for each vendor are displayed grouped by their transaction date or the date of the payroll they were generated from.  You can select liabilities for one or more transaction dates to be paid.
  • You can change the payment date for all of the client's payroll liabilities or for individual payroll liabilities at the vendor level. To reduce the number of liabilities displayed in the grid, select a filter and method in the upper-left corner of the tab.
  • If the number of liabilities is great enough that the application would load the screen very slowly, a message is displayed that requires you to select a filter before liabilities are displayed.
  • You can change the sort orders of the liabilities in the grid. The sort orders default to the selections made in the Check Printing Defaults section of the Bank Accounts > Main tab.
  • You can change the bank account from which the payment is made by updating the information in the Payment Preferences section of the Main tab of the Setup > Vendors screen.

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Paying payroll liabilities

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