Adding payroll items to an employee record

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Once you have set up payroll items for a client in the Setup > Payroll Items screen, they are available to be added to the client's employees from the Payroll Items tab of the Employees screen.

To add payroll items to an employee record, follow these steps.

  1. Choose Setup > Employees and then click the Payroll Items tab.
  2. Verify that the appropriate client is selected in the client selection field and then highlight the employee in the Employees list.
  3. Click the Edit button.
  4. In the Pay, Deductions, and Employer contributions grids, mark the Active checkboxes for any payroll items that apply to the employee.
  5. Make any necessary modifications to the calculation types or rates for the employee.
  6. To make further changes to a payroll item, click the Ellipsis button to open the Employee Payroll Item Settings dialog, which is a modified version of the Setup > Payroll Items screen.
  7. When you have made your edits, click OK in the Employee Payroll Item Settings dialog (if it is open) and then click the Enter button.

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