Reprinting payroll checks

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Use the Reprint Payroll Checks dialog to print an exact static copy of the original payroll check that was printed within the past three months. This provides an easy way to reprint a payroll check that has been lost or damaged, without the need to void, delete, or re-enter the check.


  • You cannot reprint a payroll check in the following circumstances:
    • The check layout for that bank account has been changed since the original check was printed. (We recommend that you reprint with a new layout.)
    • The check has been voided, deleted, or reversed.
    • The check is more than 90 days old. (Uncashed checks are considered Void after 90 days).
    • The check was cleared in a bank reconciliation.
    • The check was sent to a client's portal for remote check printing.
    • The check is associated with an inactive bank account.
  • The application prints an image of the original check only. It does not create any new bank or ACH transactions, does not generate any liabilities, nor does it affect accruable benefits.
  • To reprint payroll checks that were printed more than three months prior, you must re-enter them in the Actions > Enter Transactions screen and then void and delete the originals. 
  • Direct deposit transactions are auto-cleared in the bank reconciliation, by default. To reprint these checks, you must first manually unclear them in the Direct Deposit tab of the Actions > Reconcile Bank Accounts screen.
  1. Choose Actions > Enter Transactions.
  2. Choose File > Reprint Payroll Checks.
  3. Use the filtering fields to filter the list of payroll checks to display in the grid. For more information about searching and filtering fields within the application, see the Searching and filtering data topic.
  4. From the Date drop-down list, choose either Latest check date (the default option) or Single. If you choose to include a single date, then select the date from the calendar.
  5. Mark the checkbox next to any check you want to reprint and then click the Print Selected button.

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