Manage Customer Payments screen

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Use the Manage Payments screen to enter customer payments (AR check, cash, credit card, or write-off) for the selected client. In the Detail tab of this screen, you can also apply these payments and any credit memos entered in the Enter Invoices screen to open customer invoices and finance charges.

The AR check, cash, and credit card transactions you enter in this screen will be available for selection in the Actions > Enter Deposits screen and the Actions > Apply Customer Payments screen.

Choose Actions > Manage Customer Payments.


  • As you enter information in one tabbed page, the application automatically updates those fields in the other tab, so the information on both tabs is always in sync.
  • You can use the Actions > Apply Customer Payments screen to apply multiple AR transactions for multiple customers at the same time.

Tabbed pages in this screen

Rapid tab

Detail tab

Fields & buttons

Mark this checkbox to have the application use the payment date from the AR customer payment as the applied date. When this checkbox is not marked, the application uses the AR date as the applied date.

Use the filter field in the upper-right corner of the screen to limit the number of transactions that are available for selection.

  • Current period and open balance transactions. Displays all transactions that are in the current posting period and all open balances (regardless of posting period).
  • Current period transactions. Displays all transactions that are in the current posting period only.
  • Open balance transactions. Displays all transactions with an open balance.
  • Add button. (Detail tab only) Opens a blank transaction record.
  • Delete button. Deletes the selected transaction. If any invoices have been applied to this transaction, the application prompts you to confirm that you want to delete it. If you click Yes, the application unapplies all applied invoices before it deletes it.
  • Void button. Voids the selected transaction. If any invoices have been applied to this transaction, the application prompts you to confirm that you want to void it. If you click Yes, the application unapplies all applied invoices before it voids it.
  • Enter button. Saves the current transaction.
  • Cancel button. Returns the transaction to its previous state without saving any changes. For new transactions, it closes the transaction record without saving any information.


  • You cannot void or delete any customer payments that were entered in a prior year. You must first change the client’s posting period to move back to the fiscal year of the transaction you want to delete.
  • You cannot void or delete any customer payments that are part of a deposit. You must first edit the deposit in Actions > Enter Deposits to remove the payment.

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