Analyze Client Activity

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Use the Analyze Client Activity feature in Accounting CS to quickly generate an at-a-glance view of the current client's activity. The views that are available differ depending on which services are enabled for the current client. For clients that have the Accounting service enabled, you can view the General Ledger, Trial Balance, and Financial Statement views. For clients that have the live or after-the-fact Payroll services enabled, you can view the Payroll Schedules view, and the Employee Earnings view.

Click the blue hyperlinks in a view to drill down and expand details down to the transaction level. When you click the blue hyperlink for a transaction amount in a view, the application navigates to the screen that contains the source transaction, such as the Enter Transactions, Enter Payables, Enter Invoices, or Manage Customer Payments screen.

To access the Trial Balance, General Ledger, Financial Statement Worksheet, or Employee Earnings views, click the Analyze Client Activity analyze account activity button button in the toolbar or choose Actions > Analyze Client Activity within any client-specific screen in the application (for example, Actions > Enter Transactions, Actions > Enter Trial Balance, Setup > Clients, and so forth) and choose the view that you want to open.

General Ledger view

Financial Statement Worksheet view

Payroll Schedules view

Employee Earnings view


  • The view opens in a separate screen enabling you to continue working in the main application.
  • Click the Refresh button to update the view in real time and collapse the expanded regions.
  • Click the Expand All or Collapse All buttons in the General Ledger or Employee Earnings view to show or hide all account or earnings details.
  • Click the Print button to print the current view.
  • The view provides the following keyboard shortcuts.
    • CTRL+ F to open the Find dialog.
    • CTRL+ P to open the Print dialog.
    • CTRL+ + to zoom in.
    • CTRL+ - to zoom out.

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