Reconcile Bank Accounts screen

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Use the Reconcile Bank Accounts screen to reconcile your bank accounts on a daily, weekly, monthly, semi-annual, or annual basis against statements from your financial institutions or to update a previously finalized bank account reconciliation.

Choose Actions > Reconcile Bank Accounts.


  • To set up bank accounts, choose Setup > Bank Accounts.
  • Use the commands on the Edit menu or the right-click context menu to assist in the reconciliation and to open various other dialogs. Depending on which tab is active, the following commands may be available.

    A right-click context menu is available in several screens throughout the application. In general, the commands on the right-click context menu are also available on the Edit menu.

    To access the right-click menu, click your right mouse button (assuming you are using a right-handed mouse) in an open area in the screen. You can then choose the desired command from the menu. In certain screens and dialogs, right-click context menus are available for specific fields.

Tabbed pages in this screen

General Information tab

Bank Statement Import tab

Deposits & Additions tab

Checks & Payments tab

Direct Deposit tab

Client Adjustment Transmittal tab

Account Summary tab

Reconciliation Analysis tab

Fields & buttons

This list includes all current, finalized, and pending reconciliations (denoted by status icons) unless you apply a sort or filter to the list. Highlight a bank account name to view the reconciliation data in the tabbed pages below.

Note: Only those bank accounts for which a GL account was selected in the Main tab of the Setup > Bank Accounts screen will be listed in the Reconciliations list and be available for bank account reconciliations.

This button is available only when the Bank Statement Import tab is the active tab. Click this button to post any unmatched statement transactions marked as adjustments to their respective tabs and remove them from the grids in the Bank Statement Import tab.

This button is available only when the Bank Statement Import tab is the active tab. Click this button to mark the selected unmatched bank account transactions as cleared on their respective tabs and remove them from the grids in the Bank Statement Import tab.

Click the Previous button to move to the previous tab in this screen (if there is a prior tab to move to) and click the Next button to move to the next tab in this screen (if there is a subsequent tab to move to).

Click this button to save any changes you have made to a reconciliation without finalizing it, so you can return later to work on it.

Click this button to save all information in the reconciliation, archive the reconciliation, and label it with a Finalized status.

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