Process New Hires > California Independent Contractors

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Use the Process New Hire California Independent Contractors screen to create new hire files for independent contractors to send to the California directory. In the client grid, you can specify the independent contractors to include in the file, the date they were hired, and the date they were added to the application. In this screen you have the option to preview files, manage files, move files, and create new files.

You can modify the default location in which new hire files are stored in the Setup > File Locations dialog.

Choose Actions > Process New Hires > California Independent Contractors

Fields & buttons

Filter the new hire independent contractors you want to view in the Employees grid by making selections from the Filter drop-down lists.

Select the year for which you want to process new hire files.

Click the + sign next to the client ID to expand the grid and display individual independent contractors. The expanded list contains the independent contractors' IDs, name, year-to-date earnings, contract start date, contract amount, content expiration date, and a checkbox to specify if the contract is ongoing. When all independent contractors for a client are selected, the client checkbox is marked. If none are selected, the client checkbox is blank. If some are selected, the client checkbox contains a blue square.

Clicking this checkbox will open the File Viewer dialog, where you can view the information that will be contained in the file(s).

Click the Manage Files button to open the Manage New Hire California Independent Contractor Files dialog. The Manage New Hire Files grid contains all clients contained in the new hire files already created. To exclude clients or independent contractors from the file and move them back to the Process New Hire California Independent Contractors screen, you can mark the checkbox next to the client or independent contractor and then click the Mark as Unreported button.

Click the Create File button to initiate the creation of the new hire California independent contractor file. Once the file has been created and stored in the default file location, it will show up in the Manage New Hire California Independent Contractor Files dialog, where you can mark any clients as unreported, moving them back to the client grid in the Process New Hire California Independent Contractors screen.

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