Generating a Transfer Disk for your CBS client

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Before your clients can begin using Client Bookkeeping Solution (CBS), they must import data from transfer files that you provide to them. The transfer files contain setup information for each of the clients' licensed CBS modules.

Preparing the transfer disk

Before you begin this procedure, make sure that you have the done the following:

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To generate the transfer files

  1. Start Accountant's Assistant from the CSA main window by choosing Utilities > Accountant's Assistant > Client Bookkeeping Solution.
  2. Choose Tasks > Generate or click the Generate button button in the shortcut bar to open the Generate dialog.
  3. Double-click each type of item that you wish to include with the transfer. This moves it to the right-hand (Selected) pane. For the initial setup of a CBS client, you must transfer the License Files and Security features, checkbooks, Chart of Accounts, and CheckWriter miscellaneous information. (Other features may be required depending on which CBS modules the client is using). After the initial setup, you may choose to transfer just the items that you need to update for the client.
  4. After you have selected all the items you want for your client, click the Generate button.
  5. In the Choose Licensee dialog, select the client license with which to generate the Transfer Disk.
  6. Click the Generate button to begin writing the transfer files to the location specified in the Generate field on the Setup > File Locations dialog.

See also: Effect of importing accountant's Transfer Disk on the client's files

Return to: Setting up a CBS client - steps in CSA, Accountant's Assistant, and CBS

Return to: Overview of CBS client setup and processing

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