Displaying budget amounts in a financial statement

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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  1. Choose Setup > Financial Statements or click the Financial Statements icon on the shortcut bar.
  2. In the Financial Statement Editor window, choose File > Open and select the client or global financial statement.
  3. Click the column heading button to highlight the column in which the budget information should be displayed. The Current Cell and Cell Properties sections of the left pane reflect the column selection.

    Note: You may need to adjust the formatting and create a column heading for the new column.

  4. In the Cell Properties section, specify the period for the budget information by selecting it from the drop-down list in the Period field.
  5. In the Amount Type field, select BU (Budget) from the drop-down list.

    Note: You can display future-year budget amounts in the financial statement by selecting FY as the period. The FY period budget column will display the corresponding budget amounts specified in the Future Yr budget column in the Chart of Accounts.

See also: Using budgets for CSA clients

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