Sample clients overview

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

Help & How-To Center content for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform may be outdated and is used at your own risk.

Sample clients are provided with the Creative Solutions Accounting software to assist you in setting up your own clients, and some are used as examples in the Getting Started guides, tutorials, and walkthroughs. Occasionally, these sample clients are updated from the latest installation CD. When this happens, User Bulletins notify you of any changes to sample client data. An updated sample client does not automatically update an existing client of the same name when you install a new CD, so to maintain the most recent sample clients you can use either the Delete Client command or the Rename Client command prior to installing the latest version of CSA.

Note that if you chose to install sample clients during the installation from the CS Professional Suite - Accounting Products CD but the sample clients do not appear in your client list, you need to rebuild your client list by choosing Help > Repair; on the Clients tab of the Repair dialog, click the Rebuild Client List button.

Using sample clients

The sample clients can be used in a number of ways. First, they provide examples of client setups, including Chart of Accounts, account groups, employee setup situations, financial statements, and sample workpapers. The group of sample clients also includes specific entity types such as sole proprietor, nonprofit, and partnership that you can refer to as needed throughout the client setup process. For example, we provide a sample payroll client that demonstrates how both global and local information can be set up for your own payroll clients. The sample clients available to you vary depending on the modules for which you are licensed.

In addition to using the sample clients as a reference, you have the option of transferring setup information from any of the sample clients to your own clients, which can often save time as you begin the process of adding new clients into CSA. For example, you can transfer an existing Chart of Accounts, transmittal letters, or financial statements. See Transferring client information for more details.

Deleting sample clients from the client list

Some users find their client list gets too long when sample clients are mixed in with their own clients. You can delete a sample client by choosing File > Delete when the client is active. However, to avoid deleting this resource altogether, consider renaming the sample clients by choosing File > Rename Client. We suggest renaming the client with XX as the initial characters (for example, XXCSPAY01. Also, as of CSA CD version 2003.3.x, you have the option not to install sample clients during the installation process. Keep in mind that unless you choose not to install sample clients, they will be added back to your client list whenever you reinstall the software from the CS Professional Suite - Accounting Products CD.

Licensing issues

Sample clients are not included in the client count for licensing even if you rename them.

Sample client information by module

For further information on the sample clients, click the link for the appropriate module:

Many of the sample clients contain the default global financial statements and charts while others contain specialized statements for different entity types or different presentation possibilities. To view these financial statements and charts, please refer to the Sample Statements and Charts PDF

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