Send documents

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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You can choose Tasks > Send Documents in Engagement CS to create a transfer file that consists of workpapers and documents from the Master Client Data (MCD) or from the Local Client Data (LCD) for use by assigned staff members on the engagement team. (See Engagement Properties [File menu].) The transfer file is sent or created in either a shared location on the network, or on removable media, such as a read/write CD to be received by all staff members who are working on the Local Client Data (LCD) in the field or on another workstation in the office.


  • The staff in charge of the engagement has full access privileges to the Master Client Data (MCD) in the engagement and is responsible for assigning work to member(s) of the engagement team in the Engagement Properties [File menu] or the New Engagement wizard.
  • Workpapers and documents that have been assigned from the Master Client Data (MCD) and sent via a transfer file to specific staff members in the field are made unavailable (grayed in the Tree View window) until they are received again into the master engagement.
  • Only one transfer file needs to be created in the Master Client Data (MCD). Each staff member will receive their data from the same file.
  • Transfer files can be created by staff members in the field to be updated and shared with others in the field. Also, workpapers and documents can be reassigned as appropriate in the Local Client Data (LCD).
  • You can also choose to enable multi-staff functionality in Engagement CS when you are working in the same office and connected to the same network as the Master Client Data (MCD). This feature provides an alternative to sending and receiving transfer files to and from the Local Client Data (LCD).

Return to Working in Engagement CS: Overview

Related topic: Multi-staff functionality in Engagement CS - Overview

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