Using formulas in a financial statement

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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Formulas greatly expand the functionality of the Financial Statement Editor by allowing more flexibility in the types of data you can place in the statement. Formulas can be used for entire rows or specific cells.

  1. Highlight the cell or row in which you would like to use the formula.
  2. Place the cursor in the Amounts, Contents, or Period field of the Cell Properties box (whichever is appropriate) and press the F5 key or choose Edit > Formula.
  3. Choose the type of item to include in the formula by clicking the appropriate option on the far left side of the Formula dialog.
  4. From the list of available items that appears in the list-pane in the center of the dialog, highlight the item that you would like to appear first in the formula. (For Accounts type rows, you can only select one item). If appropriate, you may specify the period, year, and amount type using the drop-down list on the right side of the dialog.
  5. Once you have highlighted the appropriate item, click the Operator that you want to follow it. If you are using parentheses, click the parenthesis button before you choose the item to include in the formula.
  6. End the formula by highlighting the last item that you would like to include and clicking the equal button.
  7. The formula appears in the text box on the bottom of the dialog as you select items and click operators. If any changes need to be made to the formula you may do so in the text box.

If you select an individual cell (rather than an entire row), be sure to define a valid formula for that cell (in the Contents field), along with a default period indicator and amount type. If you do not, no data will appear on the statement.

See also

Creating and editing financial statements

Using period indicators

Using period indicators in percent columns and formulas

Period indicators available for selection in financial statements

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